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district in which it is located. <br /> <br />Nursing Home - Any premises, other than a hospital or <br />residential substance abuse treatment center, which <br />provides twenty-four hour personal and health care, <br />accommodation and boardto individuals under the daily <br />supervision of a licensed nurse and the supervision of <br />licensed physician, including "Residential Care <br />Facilities I and II," and "Intermediate Care Facility" <br />or a "Skilled Nursing Facility" as defined by Chapter <br />198 of the Missouri Revised Statutes. <br /> <br />Office - Any premises, other than an outpatient <br />substance abuse treatment center, used for conducting <br />the affairs of a business, service, industry, government <br />or profession, including that of a physician or dentist, <br />but not including that of a veterinarian. An office <br />does not provide the sales of goods as a primary <br />service. <br /> <br />Open Space (Usable Residential Common Open Space/ - Any <br />outdoor area of such location, size, and shape as to <br />provide for specific outdoor living as patios, swimming <br />pools; etc., or outdoor service functions as laundry <br />drying. Area considered as usable common open space <br />must be available for all residential occupants of a <br />given building or project and may include only those <br />spaces enclosing an area of at least three hundred (500) <br />square feet, and measuring fifteen (15) feet in width at <br />the narrowest point. <br /> <br />Parkinq Space - cf. Section 54-50.5. <br /> <br />Patio House - One of a series of one-story, basically L- <br />shaped, single family residential dwellings which, <br />together with an enclosed private court yard or patio, <br />may occupy up to one hundred (100) percent of a <br />subdivided lot. The courtyard or patio of such a house <br />serves as the principal open space and source of natural <br />light for the occupants. <br /> <br />Performance Standard - A criterion established to <br />control noise, smoke, toxic or noxious matter, <br />vibration, fire and explosive hazards, and glare and <br />heat generated by or inherent in the use of land or <br />buildings. (Section 54-59.7). <br /> <br />Person - A corporation, firm, partnership, association, <br />organization and any other group acting as a unit as <br />well as individuals. it shall also include an executor, <br />administrator, trustee, receiver, or other <br />representative appointed according to law. Whenever the <br />word "person" is used in any section of this Chapter <br />prescribing a penalty or fine as to partnership or <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br /> <br />