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~iLL <br /> <br />INTRODUCED BY COUNCILM]~4BER WAGNER <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE Ar'iENDING CHAPTER 21 OF' THE MLJNICIPAL CODE OF <br />'rile CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY? RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLEES <br />AND 'rF~AFF:[C BY REPEALING SEC'rION 21-166 "tHEREOF, RELATING <br />O:] REMOVAL AND IMPOUN[~ING OF ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES <br />Ar, tE~ ENACTING IN Li:EU THEREOF A NEW Se:CTION TO BE KNOWN AS <br />"S ECT 2[ ON 21 - 166. REMOVAL [IF UN I DENT I F i ED, S I'OLEN, OR <br />WRECKEl') VEH I CL_ES" CONTA i N i NG A SAV I NG CL. AUSE AND <br />PROVIi]ZING A PENAL]'Y. <br /> <br /> Nr]w? ]'HEREFC]F~E, BE i'1' ORDAINE[~ BY THE [:OUNCiL OF 'I'HE CITY 0F <br />LJNIVERSj:FY CZITY, MISSOURi~ AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> ~:.i.~CtZ..~cj.D.......)=._-. C;hapteP 21 o~ the Mur~ic:ipal Code o~= the City o.F <br />i niver'sjty City., relat. ir¥:_l to motor vehicles and traffic is hereby <br />amer~ded b',/repealin~:l Section 2].-1~/:.6 thereo~ relating to removal o4:' <br />unidenti'Fied, stoien~ or wrecked vehicles and enacting in lieu <br />tnepeoF' a new section to be kno~,~n as "Section 21-1/:./-:. Removal of <br />unidc:!nti4:ied, stolen, or ~reczked vehicles" relating to the same <br />sub jet:t, and re-enac::binq said section so that said section, as so <br />amende,:j ? shal t read as ~'c]i lows: <br /> <br />'i i~e po] ~ce department is her'eL~y authorized jn its <br />discretion? in addi~zon to any penalty that may be <br />pr'ovided there.Fore? to remove any unidenti~ed~ stolen, <br />wre,::ked, disabled, r~r abandoned mE]top vehicle oP other <br />c,,:.x-'~ona] proper~.y {:ouno uoon any street op other public <br />pr-c¥~erty o.F the ci'~'/~ and shall keep the same in its <br />c:,_~stc:~dy and cor~tPo] at s,.,ch place as may be designated by <br />the poi ice depar'tment unt i 1 redeerr, ed by the owner <br />thE?Peo~ ~ as provided by Sect ion 21 - 165, and al 1 such <br />unidentified, stolen, weeeked, disabled or abandoned <br />motor' vehicles or' other personal property which now is <br />the possession and custody o~ the police department oP <br />~..H~cl~ may hecea~'ter come into its possession shall be <br />su. oject to the actual cost o*F cemoval or' tow in ~com the <br />oub].~c place, and a storage charge as long as the same is <br />~n the possession and custody o~ such departrr, ent oP the <br />,::~ty. <br /> <br />!%jni cientS~ied mot. or vehicle or' other personal oropertv~" <br />as used in this .section, is hereby defined to be such <br />motor- w~hic]e or' other personal peaperry ~hece ownership <br />thePeo~' cannot be ascePtained. <br /> <br />"Abar~doned n,otor vehicle or other personal property" is <br />i-~ePeby de'Fined to be an automobile or personal property <br />,,,!hich refnains upon the streets or other public property <br />{:o~ a period longer than ~oPty-eight hours, the owner o~' <br />,~hich cannot be located oP the owner Peruses to remove <br /> <br /> <br />