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Shall the Charter of the City of University City, Missouri, be <br />art, ended by adding the ~ollowing language to the end o~ Section 41 <br />t-hereo~ (entitled "Election ~or issuance o~~ bonds-Vo~e required"): <br /> <br />Provided, however, the two thirds (2/3) vote required fc~r bond <br />indebtedrless and four sevenths (4/7) vote required for revenue <br />bonds shall be changed to the vote required from time to time <br />by the Constitutien or any statute o~ the State of Missouri? <br />'~his amendment shall become effective immediately upon passage <br />and shall apply to bond elections conducted on and after the <br />date of such passaqe. <br /> <br /> Se.~:T~zj..og....4..._ E'::<cept as ot:herwise provided by the Comprehensive <br />Election Act o~' ]977 (Chapter 115, Revise0 Statutes o~' Misseuri, as <br />amended ) no person shal I be allowed to vote whose name does not <br />appear ~n the proper precinct register ~or the pollinq place in <br />question without 'tile express sanction ol= the St. Louis County Board <br />of Election Comrf, issioners, and? in order to vote in said election <br />a per'son n'~ust be registered no later than 5:00 p.m. on the third <br />Wednes!~ay prior to the election. <br /> <br /> ~te_c__~=~L~n__]~!.;. That the hal. lot to be used at the election shall <br />be in substantially the following form, with such changes therein <br />as shall be required by or appropriate for use in an electronic <br />voting SySteT. <br /> <br />CITY <br /> <br /> OFFICIAL BALLOT <br />OF UNIVERSITY CITY, MISSOURI <br />TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1994 <br /> <br />I NSTR JCT i ONS -to VOTERS <br /> <br />To vote ~n ~:'avor atc the proposition submitted upon this ballot, <br />place an (X) in the square opposite the word "YES"~ and to vote <br />against the proposition submitted on this ballot. place an (X) in <br />the square opposite the work "NIl". <br /> <br /> Snail the Charter o~' the City of University City, Missouri, be <br />amendeO by adding the ~ollowing language to the end of Section 41 <br />thereo~ (entitled "Election for issuance of bonds-Vote required"): <br /> <br />Provided, however, the two thirds (2/3) vote required for bond <br />indebtedness and four sevenths (4-/7) vote required for revenue <br />bonds shall be cnanged to the vote requireo from time to time <br />by the Constitution or any statute of the State of Missouri? <br />Th is amendment shal 1 become effect ire in,med iately upon passage <br />and shall apply to bond elections conducted on and a~ter the <br />date of such passaqe. <br /> YES [ ] <br /> NO [ ] <br /> <br /> <br />