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E: t LL,. <br /> <br />i,,iO. <br /> <br /> INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER SCHUMAN <br /> <br />8164 ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br />5948 <br /> <br />AN ORi3ZIqANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 34 OF THE MUNiCIF'AL CODE OF <br />THEE C I 'r Y OF UN I VERS I TY C I T Y RELAT I NG TO ZON I NG B Y <br />REPEiALING SE[Z;TI[]N 34-90 THEREOF, AS AMENDED BY DRDIIqANCE <br />NLJIIBER 5830 ENACTED OCTOBER 7, 19'~1, RELATING 'l'O <br />DEF]:NI'tIONS AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREDF A NEW SECTION TO <br />BE KNOWN AS "SECTION :B4-'E~O. DEFINITIONS." BY ADDING A <br />DEF1NI]'iON (IF "GROUP HOME: FOR THE HANDICAPPED" RE:t. AI'ING <br />]'0 CONDITIONAL USES~ C[]NTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE AND <br />PI:~'.C]ViDIi'~G A PENALTY. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS? Chapter 34 o~ the Municipal Code o~' the City of~ <br />Univens:tty City(University City Zoning Code) divides the City into <br />several zonir~g districts, and negulates the uses to which the <br />0remises located therein may be put~ and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS. the City Plan Commission~ a~te~- a hearing held on <br />Decierrlber :22~ ~.:x>': at. 7:30 p.m. reviewed said sectior'i~ and <br /> <br /> WFiEEii~EAS~ due notice o~r a pLtblic hearing to be held by the City <br />Council in the City Council Chamber's at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. <br />i=eb~u~rv 7, i'P'P4~ was duly pub].ished in the Watchman-Advocate, a <br />newspaper o~: general ci~culatien w:L~hin said City on January <br />i. :~> 'P 4; a n c'I <br /> <br /> WHERE:AS, said public: hearing was duly held at the time and <br />place 'speci'Fiec] in said notice, and all suggestions op objections <br /> <br />considered Oy the Council. <br /> <br /> hiDW '[HEREF'OIRE BE IT ORDAINED BY "['HE COUNCIL OF' 'I'HE: CITY OF <br />UI~IVERSirY []:[]'Y, MISSOL]R:[, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />S.~t~._~!CL._~..~ Chapter 34 o~ the Municipal Code of7 the City o~' <br />University C~tv~ Missouri~ relating to zoninq is hereby amended by <br />repealing Section 34-90 thereo~., as amended by ordinance No. 5830 <br />enacted []cteber' 7~ 17~i~ relating to definitions, and enactinq in <br />lieu thereo'F a new sectien to be known as "Section ~4-'P0, <br />[e.Finitions," relating to the same subject, and re-enacting said <br />secti,:x~ se that said section as so amended, shall read as R]llows: <br /> <br />Group home ~or handicapped: A dwelling unit where a gr'oup o~' <br />Lintelated rnentaliy or physically handicapped persons reside <br />anO in which such a group does not ~al]. within the definition <br /> <br />Group home ~or hand :capped, snlal 1: A dwel 1 ing un it where <br />eight (8) or ~eweP unrelated mentally or physically <br />handicapped persons reside~ plus not more than two (2) <br />additional persons serving as house parents o~ guardian6 <br />who need not be related to each other or to any o~ the <br />mentally or physically handicapped persons residing in the <br />dwel I in9 . <br /> <br /> <br />