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BILL <br /> <br /> INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER SCHUMAN <br />........ .,8,!6,.6, ....................ORD I NANCE <br /> <br />AN ORDiNAIqCE AMENDING CHAPTER 34 OF THE MLJI~iCIF'AL CODE OF' <br />THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY~ RELATING TO ZONING? BY <br />F,'iE:.:F'EALING SECTI[]N 34-31.2 ]"HEREOF AS APIENDED BY ORDINANCE <br />509'~.. ENACTEO AUGLjST 28, 19'78, ENACTING IN LiEU THEREOF <br />A NEW SECTION 'tO BE KNOWN AS "SE['.'[ION 34-31.2. F'ERMITTED <br />USES?" BY ADDIi\IG GROUP Hi]PIES; CONTAINING A SAVING CL. AUSE <br />AND I:'ROVIDING A PENAL'T'Y. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Chapter 34 of: the Municioai Code o~' the City o~ <br />Ljniver'sitv City (Ljnivel-sity City Zc.~ning Code) divides the City into <br />several zoning districts and regulates the uses to wl~ich the <br />premises ]ocated therein may be put; and <br /> <br /> WF.liFj~iEAS~ the City Plan Commission, a~cter a hearing held on <br />DeczembeP 22., 1'?'9:3~ at. 7::30 p.m. reviewed said section; and <br /> <br /> ;/jHEZREAS., doe not~.ce o'F a public hearing to be held by the City <br />Counc ~_ 1 in the City Cour~c i 1 Chambers at City Hal i at 7:30 p.m. <br />Februar. v 7, ]994., was du].y published in the Watchman-Advocate, a <br />newspaoer c'~ genera-a]. circulation within said City omq ~January <br />19'F24 ~ a n d <br /> <br /> Wi.-EEREAS, said public hearing was duly iqetd, and all. <br />suggesl:ions concerning said change in said Sc-:ction were du].y heard <br />and considered by the Council. <br /> <br />HOW THEREFORE, BEE i'r OREAINED BY 7HE: COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />R E-] 1[ T Y [] I '1' 'f. <br /> <br /> ~i!9'tc;~.i,.~prJ__..:~_... Chapter :34 o~= the Municipal Code of" the City o~ <br />Univer:-si'zv City? Missouri, relating to zoning is hereby amended by <br />repeai:i. nq Section :Z.::4-31.2 thereof, as arr, ended by Ordinance Ne. 51:~99 <br />enaczp-j August 2:-5:, 1'P7:-]:, relating to permitted uses? and enacting <br />in ]ieu thereo~' a new section to be known as "Section :_=:4-:-~':1.2 <br />Permitted Ljses~" relating! to the same subject, and re-enacting said <br />secticon so that said section as so amended, shall read as follows: <br /> <br />Detached single-~amily dwellings~ i~' built and <br />located in accordance with the use regulations <br />provided in Sectlot, 34-30.3. <br /> <br />Attached single-~amily dwellings~ i~ built and <br />].oc:ated in accordance with the developn'lent <br />standards t=or two-~ami ly houses, townhouses~ or <br />patio houses provided in this Section. <br /> <br /> <br />