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B i L. L <br /> <br /> INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER SCHUMAN <br /> <br />NO. . ......... 8..1_6_8_ ....................... OR[IINANCE NO.._ 5952 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAF'TER 34 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, RELATING TO ZGNING, BY <br />RI!EF'EALING SECTION 34-33.2 THEREGF AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE <br />5[0:[, ENACTED AUGUST 28, 19'78, ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF <br />A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 34-33.2. PERMITTED <br />USES?" BY ADDING GROUP HOMES.: CONTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE <br />AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. <br /> <br /> Wi--IFREAS, Chapter 34 04' the Municipal Code o~ the City oE <br />Universit,/Cit~ (University City Zoning Code) divides the City into <br />several zoning districts and regulates the uses to which the <br />premises located therein may be put~ and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City Plan Commission, a~tep a hearing held on <br />Decen'lber 22, 19'~.~3, at 7:30 p.m. reviewed said section.: and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, due notice o.F a public hearing to be held by the City <br />Counc i i i n the C i ty Counc i 1 Chambers at C i ty Ha t 1 at 7: 30 p.m. <br />Februar'v 7, 1994, was duiy pubIished in the Watchman-Advocate, a <br />newspaper oE general circulation within said City en January 19, <br />i'~'F~4.., and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, said public heaping was duly held, and all <br />suggestior~s cc~ncerr, ing said change in said Section were duly heard <br />and considered by the Council. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'F ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />UNIVERSITY CITY. <br /> <br /> ~icic.-,![]__!,.._ Chapter :~:4 o~ the Municipal Code o~; the City o~ <br />Universit,/City, MissoLu-i. help. ring to zoning is hereby amended by <br />re0eal inq Section :34-:32:. 2 thereo~, as amended by Ordinance No. 5101 <br />enacted August :28, 1978, relating to permitted uses, and enacting <br />in l~eu thereo~ a new section to be I<nown as "Section :~:4-:2~:B.2 <br />F'ermitted Uses," relating te the same subject, and re-enacting said <br />section so that said section ass so art, ended, shall read as ~ollows: <br /> <br />:':.:4-:L:::E:. 2 F'enmitte:d rises <br /> <br />Apartment dwellings, i~' bLtitt in accordance with <br />the development s~.andards RaP townhouse apartments, <br />garden apartments, or elevator apartments pnovided <br />in Section :34-32. <br /> <br />Srnall group homes Eor the handicapped, where the <br />group home dwelling unit is more than one thousand <br />(1,000) 'Feet ~rom any existing group home dwelling <br />un it. <br /> <br />d. F'ubiic garages. <br /> <br /> <br />