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E~iLL <br /> <br /> INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER SCHOOMER <br /> <br />8169 CJRD 1 IqANC~E' I',iO .. 5953 <br /> <br />Ar4 Fii':,.r' i i',IAiqCiE AffiEl,~iZi i NG CHAF"[EiR :i 4 Eli::' ThE MUI',t :{ C] ]1 PAL CODE OF <br />[t. IE I:':]:']' T' []F UN:~VEF<SIT'f CITY, RELATING TO GARBAGE. RE:FIJSE <br />AHC$ I.~h[{:E:DS BY F~EF'[:'ALiNG SECTION i4-40 TilEREOF. AS ENACTED <br />:E~'~ CmR))INANCE NO. 4452 ENAC'I'ED OC'FO~ER 7, 19/:,8. AND <br />E [iAE i i Nr:; ]' N i,_ ] E.i, $ 'i HE:'A'EOF' A IMEW SECT i ON 'i 0 BE KN[]WIq AS <br />":~5, ECT'[ON i4.-40. DIREEC'I'OR FF FIIqANCE TO Bi .L.' SO AS l"O <br />i' L.'(3V :i. D[-: I.: CIR ~,E I,~ i iOl"i[~ S ~ CON"f ~ ] N I NG A S~V ] NG CLAI_.ISE <br />P R O V ]: 0 Z N (:') A P E N A L i' Y ,, <br /> <br /> :ill' ORi~A)'I',IKEI B'r 'l'PiiE [::OLINCI[. OF' THE C1TY [}f:' UtqlVERSr'fY CI'I'Y, <br />I'~IS'.E-][]Lii:;:[. AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> -%~!qt~oD l. Cnaoter 14 o~ the Municipal Code of: the City <br />L.~n~ver'sitV E:i'ky~ r,alating to ~]anba. ge, re~'L[se and weeds is hereby <br />amended by r'epeal~ng Sec:t:[c~r~ i4-40 thepeo'F, as enacted by [~mdinance <br />No. 4,q52.. enac'ced October' '7, 1968, by amending "Section 14-40. <br />Eij r'ec:tc, p o'F F'ir~ar]ce to b i 1 ]." so as to provide that new homes <br />r'c~ceive -~ one-E:hT~e mro'-rated bill; r'elating to the same subject, <br /> <br />shali .'ea,J as {:oi iows;: <br /> <br />]:.i:, 5s her'eby made the duty o~:' the Dinecrop o{: F~nance to <br />make charges ~or garbage, trash, litter, and rubbish <br />coi:l. ec:tions~ as herein set out, and to bill the same on <br />a semi-ar~nual basis in such methods as wi 11 be most <br />ef:Eective. The bill Eor' a newly constnucted nesidenc:e <br />shall be pno-rated ~on the ~inst bill only. <br /> <br /> ~i!,:!ft,li~:j:..,;p.r:!....,..:.:_.'. Any oerson. ~irm or cor0oration vio],atjng this <br />ordinan,::e shal]. LtpOn c:ol-iviction theneo~. be subject to the penalty <br />or-ovided in Ci~aoter I., Sect:ion 1-8 o~ the Municipal Code o~ the <br />[' j ty O'F Linivepsity City. <br /> <br />~i,~2!:_:~.j_.r::_'D.._.:lEj. This ordinarlce shall take eE4:ect anci be in ~orce <br />and a.~:'ter its p~ssa%qe as provided by ].aw. <br /> <br /> F'ASSED this _28._~_~... oa.y o'F ....... _Fe_b_r_~,r.X ............................... 1994. <br />AT]'ESF: ......... ~''M~AY''~/Z~"~ ....................... <br /> CITY CLERK <br /> <br />CERTIF]:ED 'FO BE: CORRECT AS TO FORM: <br />· ~',.:.Lx~,d,.,,,~.,.......~_~Tt, L "'>3 ...................................................... <br /> CI]"Y~A~' RNEY <br /> <br /> <br />