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~L,t,.[-%,],,?]iL.2. '['his ondinance shall not be c:onstpued so as to <br />re) ieve a, ny pe~"sor'~, t:'i~-m o~" ~orp[Dpat~on ~t"om any penalty hereto~o~'-e <br />~,ncurr. ed by the violation o.F Section 2:~:-10 nora- bar- the prosecution <br />~or an,~' such violation. <br /> <br /> ~.r-~::'!::..!;~:Lr, L.:_.:_.,'_. Any per-son, ~:iprll or' cot'potation violating any o~ <br />the pl-ov:i. sic~ns~ of: this or'dinance shall upon conviction thereo~? be <br />subject to the penalty p~xavided in Chapter- I, Sect ion E: o~ the <br />M~..nj c~0al Code o~= t. he City el: Lnive~-sqty City. <br /> <br /> .~=-]'c~!~zi,,?JC!....4., this ordinance shall take e~ect and be in ~:orcze <br />~m.~om a,qd a~'ter' ~ts paesmge as provided by law. <br /> <br /> PASSE.r.i this .......... ~.8_~ ...... day o~: ......... ~_e..b..~p~;;~_ ..........................................1'~'~4. <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />CITY CLERK <br /> <br />CER'I"IFiED 'i"0 BE CORRECT P,S TO I='ORM: <br /> <br />CI'r'Y A'FT~ <br /> <br /> <br />