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B i L,i,_ ivC,~ ~ <br /> <br /> INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER THOMPSON . <br /> <br />8172 (]RI: iNAh!CE NO. <br /> <br />5956 <br /> <br />f-iixi C]Fdl:~ ]: NAIqCZ;E At!END t NG CHAPTER 2:'Et [iF THE j"iljiq i C I F'AL CCjDE OF <br />i'hE CIi'Y (iF UNIVERSi j'Y C:[i'Y~ RELATING TO OFFEIqSES- <br />r~:i'S(::EL!.AiqEOLiS, AND ENAC:;T:I:IqG ~ NEW BEGliON THEREIN 'l"O BE <br />p:llv, C]WN AS "SEi.]Fi:C]N 23-55. S'r'ALKING." AND PRI]VIDiNG A <br />I::' Er~ A I .' I' Y. <br /> <br /> F:;E ]1' '_q::,'i"A'NED BY :irE: [:[]UNCiL OF ]'HE CiTY OF UNIVEERSI]'Y CITY, <br />['ii SSOUR C. AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Se~:t:s.F~O,.:&. Chapter 2:3 o'F the Municimai Code of t. ne City <br />Universitv City.: relatinO te O~'Fenses-Ifiiscellaneous is ~ereby <br />amenOed by enacting therein a new section to be known as "Section <br />2:B-55. Sta].i::inc~" readin0 as ~'o] ],owe: <br /> <br />j ,, As useO ~n this sectlop, the ~:o].lowiria terms sna].]. <br /> <br />(I) <br /> <br />';C]oursce c:lf Cor'lduct"., a pattern o~ ccDnducf_ <br /> <br />'iZitTIe., however short, evidencing a continclity <br /> Ourpose. Constitutionally oretected <br />activity is not included within the meaninq o{~' <br />"course o~ conduct." Such censtitutional ly <br />protected sctivity includes picketing or' other <br />organized protests~ <br /> <br /><2) <br /> <br />"Credible Threat", a threat made with the <br />intent to cause the person who is the target <br />o.F the threat. to reasonably ~'ear ~or his or <br />her sa'FeEy. Ti~e threat must be against the <br />l i.Fe o~, or a threab te cause physical injury <br /> <br />( :B ) <br /> <br />direc:ted at a specific person that serves no <br />legitimate Duppose~ that would cause a <br />reasonable person to su~.Fer substantial <br />emotional distress, and that actually causes <br />subs~antia) emotional distress to that persop. <br /> <br />· Follows with the intent o~z' harassing aoother per'son <br /> C:OlTHTlitS the ordinance violation o~ stalking. <br /> <br />Any person who purposely and repeatedly harasses or <br />~:oiiows wit~ the intent o~' harassing or harasses <br /> <br />the intent to place that pePsor~ in reasonable ~eap <br />o~ death or ser~ pus pnysicai injury, c:ommits the <br />ordinance violation o~ aggravated stalking. <br /> <br /> <br />