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INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER SCHOOMER <br /> <br />AN (]RD 1 iqANCE AMEND l N(3 CHAF'TER 34 OF THE t'lUiq I C I PAL CODE OF <br />THE CiTY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, RELATINg TO ZONING~ AND <br />A R T i7 CLE 1 X, REEL. AT I NG ]'(] H I STOR I C LANDNARKS AND D I STR I CTS., <br />AND ENACI'ING THEREIN A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS <br />"SECTION :B4-~27, HISTORIC LANDMARK ESTABLISHED"; SO AS <br />ro ESTABLISH [HE THEODORE SALORGNE HOUSE AS AN HISTORIC <br />L_ ANDMARl:::. <br /> <br /> vJHERE, AS. Chapter :i:4 o~ the Municipal Code o~: the City o~: <br />Univei'-si!:y City (LJnivePsity City Zoning Cede) divides the City into <br />several zoning districts? and regulates the uses to which the <br />or'emises located therein may be put~ anO <br /> <br /> WHEREAS~ Article IX thePeo~ provides ~oP Historic LandrnaPks <br />and Di. stPicts~ and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Historic F'reser, vation Cemmission a.F'ter- due notice <br />and hearinq has revised and apePaved the proposed revision of: said <br />aPticle~ and <br /> <br /> i/JHEREAS? the City Plan Comrrlission, a~ter a hearing, reviewed <br />proposed revision to said article~ and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS~ due notice o'F a public hearing to be held by the City <br />Council in 'the Council Chambers at City Hall~ at 7:30 p.m. on the <br />8th day o~' November~ 1993~ was dul.'y published in the Watchman <br />Advoca!:e~ a newspaper o~= general circulation within said City~ and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS~ said public hearing was duly held at the time and <br />place specified in saia notice~ and all suggestions oP objections <br />concer'ning said revisions to said article were duly heard and <br />consiciered b~ the Counc~l~ and <br /> <br /> NHEREAS? there ar'e ]ocat. ed within the City of: University City <br />buildirlgs oF historic signi~icanc:e and areas which represent <br />histclr'ic: val,je~ and ...... - <br /> <br /> WHERE:AS, Chapter :-3'::q Revised Statutes o~c Missouri~ pr'ovides <br />that t:be legislative IDody o~' a city is empowered ~or the purpose o~ <br />promoting the health, safety, morals, or general welfare o~ the <br />cornT~u~ity to aopr. opriate ~unds, ~romulgate regulations and adopt <br />standaP,::js {:or the preservatien a~ ~eatures o~ historical <br /> <br /> i/jI,-iEEREAS? the City of: University City is desirous o~:' preserving <br />~eatur'es o~: historical significance. <br /> <br /> i',h:]W, THEREFORE, BE i'F ORDAINED BY THE COUIq[:IL OF THE CITY OF <br />UNIVERSITY CI]'Y~ MISSOLJRI, AS FOLI_OWS: <br /> <br /> <br />