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BiLL <br /> <br />NO. <br /> <br /> INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMII~BER SCHOOMER <br /> <br />8175 ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2i OF THE MUNICIPAL. CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY~ RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLES <br />AND TRAFFIO, BY REPEALING SECIlON 21-126 THEREOF, AS <br />ENACTED BY ORDINANCE NO..B530, ENACTED DECEMBER 1'.-.?, 17~55, <br />RELATING TO PARKING PROHIBITION, AND ENACTING iN LIEU <br />ThlE'REOF A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 21-126. <br />PARKING IN PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED ZONE," BY AMENDING <br />SAID SECTION SO AS 't'0 PROHIBIT PARKING ON STREETS WHICH <br />ARE MARKED BY YELL_OW F'AINT~ CONTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE <br />AiqD PROVIDING A PENALTY. <br /> <br /> BE i]' ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIl. OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, <br />MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> ?~c:.~j=._o_D_..L. ChaDten 21 o~ the Municipal Code o~' the City o~ <br />University City~ relating to Motop Vehicles and Tr'a~ic~ is hereby <br />amended by repeal ing Section 21-126 ti~ePeo~ as enacted by <br />Or'dinance No. 3530~ enacted Decen'~beP :[?~, ].'S~55, relating to parking <br />0rohibition~ and enacting in lieu thereof' a new section to be known <br />as "Section 21-126. F'a~king in prohibited or restricted zone," by <br />amending said section so as to prohibit parking on streets which <br />are marked by yellow paint, relating t.o the same subject, and re- <br />enactinq said section so that said section~ as so amended, shall <br />read as 'Foi lows: <br /> <br />_E'~J:_:j:.j c'_Ln,._. %.'_.,L&.21=.~_.'~>_ .........p_Z~.L~l,:j._i.D_g__.i. n n rob i ipj._t_e_d__.,o_Z_..r_.e~S_~tr_~c_.~._erJ__z_p_n__.e.: <br /> <br />it sha].i be ur'~]aw.Fu]. ~or any operator to park any vehicle <br />on any stneet or in any district lawfully designated by <br />c,r"d~nance as a place where parking is prohibited, or <br />where parking is restricted as to time ~or a longer <br />0eriod than ~s permitted by such ordinance, or such place <br />is marked by either a yellow curb er by yellow marking <br />pe.~in't~ed :i.n the street or district. <br /> <br /> _.S~!ctiO~].'2~. This c~rdir~anc:e shall not be construed so as to <br />relieve F, ny person, ~'ir'm or corporation ~r'om any penalty heret. o~ore <br />incurred by the violation o~ Grd~.nance Ixlo. 35:E:0, enacted Decemben <br />1'?~ 1955., net bar the prosecution ~or any such violation. <br /> <br /> .~,.>~Z~._i_~D.!]_i~!.. Any person? ~zirm cDr' corporation violating any e~ <br />the provisions o'F this ondinance~ shall, upon conviction thereo~? <br />be subjec:t. to the penalt. y provided in Chapter 1~ Section 1-8 or the <br />Municipa) Code c.~f the City o~= University City. <br /> <br /> <br />