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B i LL NO ,. 8177 <br /> <br />INTRODUCED BY MAYOR MAJERUS <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br />AN ORi]IiqANCE AMENDING CHAF'TER 34 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />THE CI]'Y OF UNIVERSITY CITY RELATING TO ZONING BY <br />REPEALIrqG SECTI[]I\i 3,].-26.2 RELATING TO OCCUPANCY BY MORE <br />THAN ONE FAMILY, ENACTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5497, ENACTED <br />SEP]'EMBER 23, I c,>85, AND ENACT I NG A NEW SECT I ON TO BE <br />KNOWN AS "SECTION 34-26.2 OCCUPANCY BY MORE THAN ONE <br />FAMILY," BY AMENDING SAID SECTION SO AS TO ALLOW <br />OCCUPATION BY TWO OTHER PERSONS~ []ONTAINING A SAVING <br />CLALISE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Chapter $4 oE the Municipal Code o~ the City oE <br />Ur~iver-sity City (University City Zoning Cede) divides the City into <br />seve~'al zc:ininf4 Oistr'icts, and r~egu].ates the character o~' buildings <br />which rr, ay be er'ected in each o~ said districts, and the uses to <br />~-~hi. ch the buildings and premises located therein n'lay be put~ and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS? the City Plan Commission at its meetlng oE February <br />2:Z:~ 1 ':}'74, reviewed Sect i on 34-26.2 Occupancy by More Than One <br />Family? and recommended its repeal and the enactment o.F a new <br />Sectloin 34-26.2 as herexnatcter set ~or'th; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, due notice o~' a public hearing te be held by the City <br />Council in the Council Charr, bers at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the <br />2)st day o~~ March~ 1994, was dLtly published in the Watchman <br />Advocate, a ne~spaper' o~ general circulation w~thin said ci. ty~ and <br /> <br /> NE]W, THEREFORE, BE iT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />UNiVERSi]'Y C]'TY, MISSOURI~ AS FGLLOWS: <br /> <br />~_t.-.=c.S!l.~,.c_!p.__l'. Chapter 34 o~ the Municipal []ode oE the City o~ <br />University City relating to Zoning is hereby amended by repealing <br />Sectien 34-'26.2, as enacted by Ordinance No. 549]7 relating to <br />occupancy 0y mope than one Eamily, and enacting in lieu thepeo~ a <br />new section to be known as, "Section 34-26.2 Occupancy by MoPe <br />'fhan One FamiIy," pe].ating t.o the same subject, and pe-enactin~ <br />said section so that said section, as so amended shall Pearl as <br />~ro]. lows: <br /> <br />]~!'~cZ2~/-"- 2: Oc ctj. pj~lj..~i..v_..p.~y__j~!f~._r_.e_-___Thar~ One Farr, i 1 <br />No Owel]in~, u.nit shall be oc:cuoied by more than a single <br />~-'ami!y, plus not more than two other persons, all living <br />together in the dwelling unit as a single housekeeping <br />L., n i t ,. <br /> <br /> ~(Zb_.i_f:2_n....?. Except ~or the change herein made, said Chapter 34 <br />o.F the I'lunicjpal Code o~ the City o~ University City (University <br />City Zoniqg Cede) as arnended, shall remain in ~ull force and <br />e~eczt, and all the pr,ovisions, conditions, restrictions~ and <br />regulariotas therein shall be in ~ull force and e~Eec~. <br /> <br /> <br />