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(SECTION PM-110.O DEMOLITION) <br /> <br />PM-110.1 General: Any structure which is found to be detrimental to the health, safety or <br />welfare of the residents of the City of University City and which is declared to be a public <br />nuisance by the code official shall be vacated and demolished or repaired in strict accordance <br />with the provisions of this section. <br /> <br />PM-110.2 Declaration of public nuisance: Any structure found to have any of the following <br />defects shall be deemed to be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the <br />City of University City and shall be declared a public nuisance. <br /> <br />1. Bearing wall, earth retaining wall, column, or other vertical structural member which <br />leans or buckles to such an extent that it is likely to partially or completely collapse and <br />injure the occupants or members of the public. <br /> <br />2. Floor, roof, wall, structural member or structural connection which is overloaded, has <br />insufficient bearing or which has insufficient strength to be safe for the purpose used so <br />as to be likely to collapse and injure the occupants or members of the public. <br /> <br />3. Part of a structure which is so attached that it is likely to fall and injure the occupants <br />or members of the public. <br /> <br />4. Damage by fire, earthquake, flood, wind, or other causes, so as to become <br />dangerous to the health. safety, or welfare of the occupants or members of the public. <br /> <br />5. Disrepair or lack of maintenance so as to be unsanitary, vermin or rat infested, filthy <br />or contaminated, or lacking in ventilation, sanitary facilities, heating facilities or other <br />code required equipment to the degree that the structure is hazardous to the health, <br />safety, or welfare of the occupants or members of the public. <br /> <br />6. Dilapidation, deterioration or decay; faulty or abandoned construction; open, vacant <br />or abandoned; damaged to the extent that the structure does not to provide shelter from <br />the elements. <br /> <br />7. Abandoned wells, shafts, basements or excavations or other physical conditions that <br />constitute an attractive nuisance to children so as be hazardous to the health, safety, or <br />welfare of members of the public. <br /> <br />8. Cessation of normal construction for a pedod two years. <br /> <br />9. Any structure that is condemned as an unsafe structure or condemned as unfit for <br />human occupancy. <br /> <br />PM-110.3 Mandatory demolition or repair of a public nuisance: The following steps shall <br />be taken to effect the mandatory demolition or repair of a structure which is deemed to be <br />detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the City of University City and <br />which is declared a public nuisance. <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br /> <br />