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Rev. 1987 <br /> <br />618.360 Bread. <br /> <br /> Each loaf of bread and each unit of a twin or multiple loaf of bread made or procured for sale, kept <br />offered, exposed for sale, or sold, whether or not the bread is wrapped or sliced, shall weight one-half pound, <br />one pound, one and one-quarter (1%), one and one-half (I~A) pounds, or a multiple of one pound, <br />avoirdupois weight, within reasonable variations or tolerances that shall be promulgated by regulation by the <br />Supervisor; provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to biscuits, buns or rolls weighing four <br />(4) ounces, or to "stale bread" sold and expressly represented at the time of sale as such. <br /> <br />618.370 <br /> <br />Butter, Oleomargarine and Margarine. <br /> <br /> Butter, oleomargarine and margarine shall be offered and exposed for sale and sold by weight, and <br />when in package form these commodities shall be packaged only in units of one-fourth (¼) pound, one-half <br />(½) pound, or multiples of one pound, avoirdupois weight. <br /> <br />618.380 <br /> <br />Fluid Dairy Products. <br /> <br /> all fluid dairy products, including but not limited to whole milk, skimmed milk, cultured milk, sweet <br />cream, sour cream, and buttermilk, shall be packaged for retail sale only in units of one gill, one-half liquid <br />pint, one liquid quart, one-half gallon, or multiples of one gallon. <br /> <br />618.390 <br /> <br />Flour, Corn Meal and Hominy Grits. <br /> <br /> When in package form, and when packed, kept, offered or exposed for sale or sold, wheat flour, <br />whole wheat flour, graham flour, self-rising wheat flour, phosphated wheat flour, bromated flour, enriched <br />flour, enriched self-rising flour, enriched bromated flour, corn flour, corn meal, and hominy grits shall be <br />packaged only in units of 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 pounds, avoirdupois weight; provided that packages in unils <br />of less than three pounds or more than one hundred pounds shall be permitted. <br /> <br />618.400 <br /> <br />Textile Products. <br /> <br /> It shall be unlawful to keep for the purpose of sale, offer or expose for sale, or sell any textile yard <br />goods put up or packaged in advance of sale in any other unit, for either wholesale or retail sale, unless such <br />bolt or roll, or such other unit, be definitely, plainly and conspicuously marked, to show its net measure in <br />terms of yards or its net weight in terms of avoirdupois pounds or ounces; subject, however, to the following <br />limitations and requirements: <br /> <br />(1) Any unit of twine or cordage may be marked to show its net measure in terms of feet. Ready- <br />wound bobbins that are not sold separately shall not be required to be individually marked, but the <br />package containing such bobbins shall be marked to show the number of bobbins contained there in <br /> <br />WTAO(Rev)- 11 <br /> <br /> <br />