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Rev. 1987 <br /> <br />618.440 <br /> <br />Expression of Quantity of Commodity Sold. <br /> <br /> Weight or measure statements of the quantity of the commodity sold, offered for sale or advertised <br />for sale, shall express the number of the largest of such units as contained in such commodity (for example - <br />a liquid commodity of one quart shall be "one quart liquid", and not "two pints, liquid" or "32 fluid ounces"). <br />Where such number is a whole number and a fi'action, there may be substituted for the fraction its equivalent <br />in smaller units (for example, 13A quarts liquid may be expressed as "one quart, I~A pints liquid" or "one quart, <br />one pint, 8 fluid ounces" one and one fourth pounds may be expressed as "one lb., 4 ounces"). The stated <br />number of any unit that is smaller than the larger unit contained in such commodity shall not equal or exceed <br />the number of such smaller units in the next larger unit (for example, instead of "one quart, 16 fluid ounces", <br />the statement shall be "1½ quarts, liquid" or "one quart, one pint liquid"; instead of"24 ounces avoirdupois" <br />the statement shall be "1 V2 lbs." or "1 lb. 8 ounces"). <br /> <br />618.450 <br /> <br />Weighmaster, Generally. <br /> <br /> Before any person shall be authorized to do any public weighing or issue any certificates of weighing, <br />the owner or operator of the scales must apply to the Supervisor of Weights and Measures for the <br />appointment of a bonded weighmaster, who must be some competent regular employee of the scale owner <br />or operator. The Supervisor of Weights and Measures shall have the fight to revoke the appointment of a <br />bonded weighmaster because of incompetency or unsuitability to discharge his duties. Before entering upon <br />their duties, weighmasters must file with the Supervisor of Weights and Measures a surety bond in the <br />amount of $1,000.00 conditioned for the faithful and honest performance of their duties. The bond shall be <br />given for the benefit of St. Louis County, and anyone who may suffer loss by reason of a default in the <br />condition of such bond. <br /> <br /> A. The scale operator or owner shall file with the Supervisor of Weights and Measures a written <br />statement, verified by his affidavit, giving the ownership of the scale (whether Individual, Firm or <br />Corporation) together with the name of the Surety on the weigher's bond. <br /> <br /> B. Before any person shall be sworn in buy the Supervisor of Weights'and Measures to act as <br />a bonded weigher, the owner or operator of the scales shall file a statement with the Supervisor of Weights <br />and Measures, giving the name of the weigher appointed; the location of the scales covered by the bond of <br />the weigher, which statement shall be approved by the Supervisor of Weights and Measures. <br /> <br />618.460 <br /> <br />Acting as a Weigher at Scales Not Named in the Bond. <br /> <br /> No person shall act as weigher and issue certificates of weighing at scales not named in his bond filed <br />with St. Louis County. <br /> <br />WTAO(Rev)-13 <br /> <br /> <br />