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thereon until the scale and weights have been properly repaired, and thereai~er he must have the <br />approval of the Supervisor of Weights and Measures before putting such scale and weights into active <br />service again. <br /> <br />Second: If any such weigher shall issue any certificate of weighing which shall show the gross or net <br />weight of the load or commodity weighed to be sixty or more pounds more than the true gross or net <br />weight of the commodity weighed, or sixty or more pounds less than the true gross or net weight of <br />the commodity weighed, or the tare to be forty or more pounds less than the true tare, or forty or <br />more pounds more than the true tare, or if any such weigher shall fail to keep a book or books and <br />enter therein daily, item by item, in legible handwriting, every load of solid fuel or other commodities <br />weighed, designating its kind, the gross, tare, and net weight thereof; or keep the quadruplicate (pink) <br />copy of the original weight certificate for his permanent record or if he shall fail or refuse at any time <br />to permit all the books or papers belonging to his office to be examined by the Supervisor or any <br />person lawfully appointed for such purpose, and to furnish them copies of abstracts of any part <br />thereof, in every such case, among others, a breach of such bond shall be deemed in law to be made. <br /> <br />618.500 <br /> <br />Weigher, When to Forfeit Position. <br /> <br /> Any weigher who shall be twice convicted before any court of competent jurisdiction of a breach of <br />his bond or other violation or failure to comply with this Ordinance, shall, by virtue of such convictions, cease <br />to be a weigher from and after the day on which said conviction is had. <br /> <br />618.510 <br /> <br />Weighing to be Done at Public or Private Scales by Bonded Weighers. <br /> <br /> No person shall bring or send into the County for sale or for delivery, or sell, offer to sell, or deliver <br />any solid fuel, or any other commodity, except solid fuel in quantifies less than one thousand pounds, in any <br />vehicle without first having had the same and the vehicle containing the same duly and legally weighed at <br />some public or by some legally bonded private weigher within the County limits on the day on which the same <br />is sold or offered for sale, or delivered, and without first having procured a certificate of the weight thereof <br />from some legally bonded weigher and paid for the same according to the provisions of the ordinances of this <br />County. which certificate shall contain a gross, tare and net weight of the commodity contained in the said <br />vehicle, and also the weighers name written thereon, provided however, that the possession of such a <br />certificate which was procured from a legally bonded weigher licensed by the City of St. Louis under the <br />provisions of the City's ordinances relating to weights and measures, shall be sufficient to satisfy the <br />requirements of this action. <br /> <br />618.520 Unweighed Coal, Hours for Delivery. <br /> <br /> (1) No person shall buy, sell or deliver in any vehicle any solid fuel or other commodity, except <br /> solid fuel in quantifies less than one thousand pounds, until the same has been weighed by one of the <br /> <br />WTAO(Rev)-15 <br /> <br /> <br />