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Rev. 1987 <br /> <br />legally authorized weighers, and a certificate of the weight thereof given as required in the provisions <br />of this Chapter. <br /> <br />(2) No solid fuel shall be delivered by any vehicle in the County to a consumer before 6:00 A.M. <br />or after 7:00 P.M. standard time. It shall be prima facie evidence of a violation hereof for any loaded <br />vehicle to be on the streets of the County at~er 7:00 P.M., unless the driver of such vehicle can show <br />that his vehicle lef~ the licensed dealer's yard in sufficiem time to complete the delivery before 7:00 <br />P.M. and that the delay was due to unavoidable causes. <br /> <br />618.530 <br /> <br />Trucks or Other Vehicles without weight mark. <br /> <br /> No person shall bring or send into St. Louis County, and no person shall sell or offer for sale or <br />deliver any solid fuel, or any other commodity except solid fuel in quantities less than one thousand pounds, <br />in any vehicle which has not been weighed empty and the tare weight thereof established within' one week <br />prior thereto by a legal authorized weigher of the City of St. Louis or St. Louis County, in the manner <br />hereinabove required. <br /> <br />618.540 <br /> <br />Vehicles, How Often to Be Weighed. <br /> <br /> It shall be the duty of all owners of vehicles that may be employed in bringing solid fuel to this County <br />to have their vehicles weighed while empty at least once every week, and no bonded weigher shall issue his <br />certificate for any vehicle upon which the date of its being weighed while empty is older than one week. It <br />shall be the duty of every weigher to weigh such empty vehicles and to issue to the driver of such empty <br />vehicle a certificate of weighing, crossing out the spaces for Gross and Net weights, which certificates shall <br />be signed by bonded weigher and signed by the driver of the empty vehicle acknowledging the correctness <br />of such empty weight. Such certificates when issued by duly licensed weighers of the City of St. Louis will <br />be acceptable in lieu of such a certificate issued by a weigher licensed by St. Louis County, provided same <br />was issued within the preceding seven (7) days. The weight certificate so issued shall during the remainder <br />of the following week be kept in the possession of the driver of the vehicle for which issued and shall be <br />subject to calla t any time by the Supervisor of Weights and Measures of his assistants and by variation over <br />the tolerance hereina~er established in the actual weight of the empty vehicle and the tare weight shown on <br />such certificate shall be considered prima facie evidence that such tare weight was altered or changed by the <br />owner or driver of such vehicle. It shall be the duty of the owner or driver of any vehicle, on which repairs <br />or alterations have been made that might change the are weight of the vehicle, to immediately after such work <br />to have the vehicle reweighed and a certificate issued establishing the new tare weight. It shall be the duty <br />of the owner or driver of all vehicles in hauling any other commodity, sold by weight, to have their respective <br />empty vehicles weighed every day when in use. <br /> <br />WTAO(Rev)-16 <br /> <br /> <br />