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Rev. 1987 <br /> <br />(2) When block ice is sold from a self-service automatic vending device, there shall be posted or <br />displayed on the outside housing of the vending device, a plain and conspicuous declaration of the <br />weight of the block of ice to be dispensed, together with the price. The letters and numerals in the <br />weight and price declarations shall be of the same size. <br /> <br />(3) Crushed ice or ice cubes packed and sold in paper bags or other containers shall have printed <br />or stamped in a conspicuous place on the outside of the bag or container a declaration of the net <br />weight of the crushed ice or ice cubes contained in the bag or container; provided however, that ice <br />cubes in small cartons may be sold by count. <br /> <br />618.630 <br /> <br />Counter and Spring Scales, Certain Types Prohibited, Seizure. <br /> <br /> All devices for adjusting the balance of a counter or spring scale shall be of such construction that <br />they are operative or accessible only by the use of some tool or device which is outside of and entirely <br />separate fi'om the movable mechanism of the scale itself, such as a screw-driver, wrench, etc., and no scale <br />used in trade shall be so constructed that an adjusting pin, screw, wheel or other device can be hand operated, <br />and it shall be unlawful to possess any scale with the "Kitchen Scale," "Not legal for use in Trade" or any <br />mark of similar import for use in buying or selling any commodity. No person shall use or attempt to use, <br />or cause to be used in trade any counter or spring scale which does not conform to the provision ofthi.~ <br />section. The Supervisor of Weights and Measures may seize and confiscate any and all scales found in use <br />in trade which do not conform to the provisions of this section. <br /> <br />618.640 Possession of Scales Not Set on Zero, Misdemeanor. <br /> <br /> No person shall have in his possession any scale or measuring device, the indicator of which is not <br />set at zero, or which is set ahead. <br /> <br />618.650 <br /> <br />Person-Weigher Scales. <br /> <br /> Any person-weigher scales placed in public use for the weighing of persons shall be plainly and <br />permanently labeled with the names and addresses of the owners thereof. Any person placing such scales in <br />use shall furnish the Supervisor of Weights and Measures, during the months of January and July of each <br />calendar year, a complete list of all such person-weigher scales together with the address of their location, <br />serial number and name of manufacturer. Any person-weigher scale or other device operated or in use in <br />violation of this section shall be subject to condemnation, seizure and confiscation. <br /> <br />618.660 Types of Yard Measures Permitted, Use of Others, Misdemeanor. <br /> <br /> A yard stick, yard measure, "Measuregraph," or any other device for measuring purposes, as <br />contemplated by this Chapter shall be made of hardwood, metal or metal composition of good quality with <br /> <br />WTAO(Rev)-19 <br /> <br /> <br />