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02/19/68 <br /> <br />Substitute Bill No. 2 for <br /> <br />BILL NO. 307 , 1967 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br />4.600 ,1967 <br /> <br />Introduced by Councilman <br /> <br />Scott <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE <br /> <br />AMENDING TITLE VI, CHAPTER 618, SLCRO 1964, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED <br />"WEIGHTS AND MEASURES", BY REPEALING SECTIONS 618.080, 618.260, 618.480, <br />AND 618.770, RELATING TO GENERAL INSPECTIONS, FEES AND CHARGES FOR <br />TESTS, BLANK WEIGHT CERTIFICATES ISSUED TO WEIGHERS, REQUIRF2vlElqTS <br />AND REGULATIONS AS TO USE, AND FEE AND CHARGES FOR TESTS FOR GAS <br />AND FUEL MEASURING DEVICES AND INSTRUMENTS, RESPECTIVELY, AND <br />ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF NEW SECTIONS TO BE NUMBERED 618.080, <br />618.260, 618.480 AND 618.770 RELATING TO THE SAME SUBJECT MATTERS. <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF ST. LOUIS COLRqTY, MISSOURI, AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />SECTION 1. Title VI, Chapter 618, SLCRO 1964, as amended, entitled "Weights and Measuma", is hereby <br />amended by repealing Sectiota 618.080, 618.260, 618.480 and 618.770, relating to general inspections, fees <br />and charges for tests, blank weight certificates issued to weighers, requirements and regulations as to use, <br />and fees and charges for tests for gas and fuel measuring devices and instruments, respectively, and enacting <br />in lieu thereof new sections to be numbered 618.080, 618.260, 618.480 and 618.770, relati~ to the same <br />subject matters, which new sections read as follows: <br /> <br />618.080 - General Testing. (1) The Supervisor, Chief Inspector, and the Inspectors ,hall have the <br />power to inspect and to test for accuracy all weights and measures used or possessed for current use <br />in the buying, selling, or leasing of any commodity or things, or in the computation of any basic <br />charge for payment of services rendered on the basis of weight or of measure. <br /> <br />(2) It shall be the duty of the Supervisor at least semi-annually and as more often as he may deem <br />necessary, to inspect and to test for accuracy all weights and measures commercially used (a) in <br />determining the weight, measure, charge, or count of commodities or things sold or offered or <br />exposed for sale, or leased, on the basis of weight or of measure, (b) in computing the basic charge <br />for services rendered on the basis of weight or of measure when a charge is made for such delmmi~- <br />lion; provided that with respect to single-service devices designated to be used commercially only <br />once and then to be discarded, and with respea to devices uniformly mass-produced and not suscep- <br />tible to individual adjustment, the inspection and testing of each individual device shall not be <br /> <br />WTAO (Rev)-I <br /> <br /> <br />