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04/04/66 <br /> <br />purchaser or his agent and return the duplicate properly signed by the purchaser or his agent, to the seller. <br />The triplicate copy shall be retained by the weigher, and at the end of each month, shall be, unless otherwise <br />ordered by the Supervisor, returned or mailed to the Supervisor of Weights and Measures. The <br />quad.ruplicate copy shall be retained by the weigher for his records and neither the triplicate nor the <br />quadruplicate copy is to be reviewed by anyone who is not a public official, or the persons primarily <br />interested in the commodity listed on the weight certificate. If any original cr duplicate certificate signed <br />by the bonded weigher shall be found in the possession of the driver or the person in charge of the load or <br />delivered by such person to the purchaser, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that the certificate wa~ <br />issued and delivered by the bonded weigher. On the back of every original certificate shall be printed the <br />words: "The weigher of this scale has filed a bond with St. Louis County." The Supervisor of Weights and <br />Measures shall furnish the weighers at private scales such as hereto described certificates at a rate not to <br />exceed $10.00 per hundred. <br /> <br />No certificates except those furnished by the Supervisor shall be issued by any person weiEhing at such <br />public or private scale. Each weigher shall furnish a separate set of certificates for each and every load <br />weighed and only on the kind of blank provided by this section. <br /> <br />No weigher shall sell or dispose of any blank certificates received from the Supervisor except for loads <br />actually weighed on his scales. The books kept by the weigher shall at all times be open to the illspeciion <br />of the Supervisor of Weights and Measures. <br /> <br />618.580 FEES FOR WEIGHING: CHARGING IMPROPER FEE, ETC. <br />(1) Dealers in solid fuel shall be permitted to charge and receive a reasonable fee for any load of solid <br />fuel weighed on their scales, except solid fuel in quantities of less than 1,000 pounds. Owners or Olna'ators <br />of public or private scales are authorized to charge and receive a reasonable fee for any load of solid fuel <br />or other commodity weighed on their scale; provided however, that the stun actually charged for the <br />weighing of each load shall be uniform and the same in the case of every person who may have occa.xion <br />to have a load of solid fuel or other commodity weighed. <br /> <br />(2) No weigher in the County shall charge for weighing where no charge is authorized. <br /> <br />(3) No weigher shall be required to deliver his certificate of weighing, until the fee is paid. The fee <br />charged by weighers at public scales shall be uniform and the ~ame in the case of every person who shall <br />have occasion to have any solid fuel or other commodity weighed. <br /> <br />ADOPTED <br /> <br />APPROVED <br /> <br />ATTEST <br /> <br />March 31.1966 <br /> <br />A~ril 4. 1966 <br /> <br />Robert !.. Fowler <br />COUNTY CLERK <br /> <br /> Mn,,rice I.. Stewnrt <br />CHAIRMAN, COUNTY COUNCIL <br /> <br /> !.awrenee K. Roos <br />COUNTY SUPERVISOR <br /> <br />WTAO(Rev)-2 <br /> <br /> <br />