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BILL NO. 135 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2924 <br /> <br />06/04/63 <br /> ,1963 <br /> ,1963 <br /> <br />Introduced By Councilman Murphy <br /> <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 618, TITLE VI, SLCRO, 1958, AS AMENDED BY REPEALING <br />THEREFROM ALL OF CHAPTER 618, SECTIONS 618.010 TO AND INCLUDING <br />618.790, BEING ORDINANCE NO. 2375, 1961, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT <br />AND CONDUCT OF THE OFFICE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, AND EXACTING <br />IN LIEU THEREOF AN ENTIRE NEW CHAPTER RELATING TO THE SAME <br />SUBJECT MAITER. <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINrED BY THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF ST. LOUIS COUNTY, <br />FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />MISSOURI, AS <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. That all of Chapter 618, Title VI, SLCRO, 1958, as amended, being Ordinance No. <br />2375, 1961, relating to the establishment and conduct of the Office of Weights and Measures within the <br />Division of Public Works and Building Regulation, be and the same is hereby amended by repealing <br />therefrom Section 618.010 through and including Section 618.790, and an entire new Chapter 618 is hereby <br />enacted in lieu thereof, relating to the same subject matter, which new Chapter 618 Sections shall read as <br />follows: <br /> <br />618.010 I)efmitions. When used in this chapter: <br /> <br /> (1) "County" unless otherwise specified, shall mean that part of St. Louis County outside of <br />incorporated cities and towns and villages. <br /> <br /> 2) The xvord "person" shall be construed to import both the singular and the plural as the case <br />demands, and shall include individuals, parmerships, corporations, companies, societies and associations. <br /> <br /> (3) The word "weight(s) and (or) measure(s)" shall be construed to import all weights and measures <br />of every kind, instruments, and devices for weighing and measuring, and any appliances and accessories <br />associated with any or all such instruments and devices. <br /> <br />(4) The works "sell" and "sale" shall be construed to mean barter and exchange. <br /> <br /> (5) The terms "Supervisor" and "Chief Inspector" shall be construed to mean the St. Louis County <br />Supervisor of Weights and Measures and the St. Louis County Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures, <br />respectively. <br /> <br />WTAO-1 <br /> <br /> <br />