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06/04/63 <br /> <br />618.270 Receipt To Be Given: Payments To Treasurer: Statements To Auditor. The Supervisor, <br />the Chief Inspector and the inspectors of weights and measures shall deliver to each person from whom there <br />is received a fee for testing an instrument of weights and measure. a certificate or receipt duly signed and <br />authenticated. stating or describing the instrument tested and the fee received therefor, and he shall make <br />a faithful return of the same to the County Treasurer, no less often than once a week. At no later than the <br />fffieenth day of each month, the Supervisor of Weights and Measures shall file with the County Auditor an <br />itemized statement showing the instruments examined and tested by his office during the next preceding <br />calendar month, together with the amounts which were collected therefor. <br /> <br />618.280 Method of Sale of Commodities. Except as may otherwise be provided in this chapter, <br />commodities in liquid form shall be only sold by liquid measure or by weight and commodities not in liquid <br />form shall be sold only by weight, by measure of length or area, or by count; except that liquid commodities <br />may be sold by weight and dry commodities may be sold by count only if such method gives accurate <br />information as to the quantity of commodity sold. The provisions of this section shall not apply to <br />commodities when sold for immediate consumption on the premises where sold, to vegetables when sold <br />by the head or bunch, to commodities when in package form or in containers standardized by law of this <br />state or by federal law, to concrete aggregates, concrete mixtures and loose and solid materials such aa earth, <br />soil, gravel, crushed stone, and the like, when sold by cubic measure, or to unproces~ed vegetable and animal <br />fertilizer when sold by cubic measure. The Supervisor shall issue such reasonable regulations a~ are <br />necessary to secure that amounts of commodities sold are determined in accordance with good commercial <br />practice and are so determined and represented as to be accurate and informative to all parties at interest. <br /> <br />618.290 Package Commodities: Declaration of Quantity and Origin on Packages. Any <br />commodity in package form shall bear on the outside of the package a definite, plain, and conspicuous <br />declaration of the net quantity of the contents in terms of weight, measure, or count, and in the case of any <br />package not sold on the premises where packed, the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer <br />or distributor; except that the qualifying term "when packed" or words of similar import, shall not be used <br />in connection with the declaration required of the provisions of this section. <br /> <br />618.300 Random Measure Packages: How Marked. In addition to the declaration required by <br />Section 618.290 of this chapter, any commodity in package form, the package being one of a lot containing <br />random weights, measures, or counts of the same commodity and beating the total selling price of the <br />package, shall bear on the outside of the package a plain and conspicuous declaration of the price per single <br />umt of weight, measure or count. <br /> <br />618310 Misleading Packages. No commodity in package form shall be so wrapped, nor shall it be <br />in a container so made, formed, or filled, as to mislead the purchaser as to the quantity of the contents of the <br />package, and the statement of the quantity. of the contents as made on the package shall reveal the quantity <br /> <br />v~rrAO-9 <br /> <br /> <br />