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06/04/63 <br /> <br />A. The scale operator or owner shall file with the Supervisor of Weights and Measures a written <br />statement, verified by his affidavit, giving the ownership of the scale (whether Individual, Finn or <br />Corporation) together with the name of the Surety on the weigher's bond. <br /> <br />B. Before any person shall be sworn in buy the Supervisor of Weights and Measures to act as a bonded <br />weigher, the owner or operator of the scales shall file a statement with the Supervisor of Weights and <br />Measures, giving the name of the weigher appointed; the location of the scales covered by the bond of the <br />weigher, which statement shall be approved by the Supervisor of Weights and Measures. <br /> <br />618.460 Acting as a Weigher at Scales Not Named in the Bond. No person shall act as weigher <br />and issue certificates of weighing at scales not named in his bond filed with St. Louis County. <br /> <br />618.470 Duty of Weighers. It shall be the duty of every weigher appointed under this Article to <br />attend to the office of the public, or private scales for which he is appointed, and to weigh every load of solid <br />fuel, or any other commodity, which may be presented to be weighed and to give the person presenting same <br />a certificate of the gross, tare, and net weight thereof. <br /> <br />618.480 Blank Weight Certificates Issued To Weighers, Requirements and Regulations As To Use. <br />The Supervisor of Weights and Measures shall cause to be printed certificates in blank; signed by the <br />Supervisor of Weights and Measures for the use of all bonded weighers at authorized scales, who have been <br />or may be appointed with the approval of the Supervisor of Weights and Measures, and who have filed a <br />bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) as herein provided. The certificates so issued and <br />furnished authorized weighers shall be printed in quadruplicate, the original in green, the duplicate in white, <br />the triplicate in yellow and the quadruplicate in pink, for all weights and loads of solid fuel, or other <br />commodities weighed. <br /> <br />All the certificates and copies for solid fuel shall show the origin of the solid fuel, (Mine Number), the time <br />of the weighing thereof, and shall show the true gross, tare and net weights, and shall also state the name <br />and address of the purchaser, the seller's name and address, and such other reasonable information as the <br />Supervisor of Weights and Measures may from time to time direct, and shall correctly describe the quality, <br />kind and size of the solid fuel, or the character of the commodity weighed. These certificates shall be signed <br />by the bonded weigher, who shall turn over the original and duplicate fully filled out to the driver or person <br />in charge of the load, and the driver or person shall, on delivery of the load, deliver the original ticket to the <br />purchaser or his agent, and return the duplicate properly signed by the purchaser or his agent to the seller. <br />The triplicate copy shall be retained by the weigher, and at the end of each month, shall be, unless otherwise <br />ordered by the Supervisor, returned or mailed to the Supervisor of Weights and Measures. The <br />quadruplicate copy shall be retained by the weigher for his records and neither the triplicate or quaclruplicate <br />copy is to be reviewed by anyone who is not a public official, or the persons primarily interested in the <br />commodity listed on the weight certificate. If any original or duplicate certificate signed by the bonded <br />weigher shall be found in the possession of the driver or the penon in charge of a load or delivered by such <br />person to the purchaser, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that the certificate was issued and <br /> <br />WTAO-13 <br /> <br /> <br />