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06/04/63 <br /> <br />delivered by the bonded weigher. On the back of every original ticket shall be printed the words, "The <br />weigher of this scale has filed a bond with St. Louis County". The Supervisor of Weights & Measurers shall <br />furnish the weighers at private scales such herein described certificates at the rate of five dollars per hundred. <br /> <br />No certificates except those furnished by the Supervisor shall be issued by any person weighing at such <br />public or private scale. Each weigher shall furnish a separate set of certificates for each and every load <br />weighed and only on the kind of blank provided by this section. <br /> <br />No weigher shall sell or dispose of any blank certificate received from the supervisor except for loads <br />actually weighed on his scales. The books kept by the weigher shall at all times be open to the inspection <br />of the Supervisor of Weights and Measurers. <br /> <br />618.490 Actions of Weigher of Public or Private Scales Constituting Breaches of Bond. In <br />addition to the general fulfillment of the condition of the bond as required herein, the following, among <br />others, shall be deemed a breach of the official bond of a weigher of public or private scales: <br /> <br />First: Ifa scale and weights under control of any such weigher shall be at any time of much out of <br />order as to weigh forty or more pounds more than the standard weight or forty or more pounds less <br />than the standard weight, it shall be his duty to so notify the Supervisor of Weights and Measures <br />in writing within twenty-four hours after the error is found to exist, and cease weiEhing any loads <br />thereon until the scale and weights have been properly repaired, and thereat~er he must have the <br />approval of the Supervisor of Weights and Measures before putting such scale and weights into <br />active service again. <br /> <br />Second: If any such weigher shall issue any certificate of weighing which shall show the gross or <br />net weight of the load or commodity weighed to be sixty or more pounds more than the true gross <br />or net weight of the commodity weighed, or sixty or more potrods less than the true gross or net <br />weight of the commodity weighed, or the tare to be forty or more pounds less than the true tare, or <br />forty or more pounds more than the true tare, or if any such weigher shall fail to keep a book or <br />books and enter therein daily, item by item, in legible handwriting, every load of solid fuel or other <br />commodities weighed, designating its kind, the gross, tare, and net weight thereof, or keep the <br />quadmplicate (pink) copy of the original weight certificate for his permanent record or if he shall <br />fail 'or refuse at any time to permit all the books or papers belonging to his office to be examined by <br />the Supervisor or any person lawfully appointed for such purpose, and to furnish them copies of <br />abstracts of any part thereof, in every such case, among others, a breach of such bond shall be <br />deemed in law to be made. <br /> <br />WTAO-14 <br /> <br /> <br />