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Oct 13 O0 04:42~ Lam O??ices 3147~7~414 p.4 <br /> <br /> 2. Grant. The City hereby grants to Metromedia the nonexclusive right, privilege, <br />and license for the Construction, Maintenance, and Removal of the Facilities under any and all <br />Public Ways during the Term. Bofl~ parties recognize that said grant does not authorize <br />Metromedia to provide cable television services or open video services, as defined pursuant to 47 <br />U.S.C. Section 573, within the corporate limits of the City. Except as otherwise provided in this <br />Agreement, Metromedia shall bear the entire cost and expense of all Construction, Maintenance, <br />and Removal of the Facilities and Metromeclia shall hold the City harmless thereon. The route <br />shall be as set out in the map attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein, unless <br />otherwise amended in writing signed by both parties. <br /> <br /> 3. Construction. Metromedia may effect Construction of the Facilities (or any part <br />thereof) on the Public Ways only after approval thereof has been given, or deemed given, by the <br />City Director of Public Works, wbich approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The City <br />Director of Public Works shall notify Metromedia in writing of his or her approval or <br />disapproval of the proposed construction of the Facilities in the Public Ways within forty-five <br />(45) days after delivery by Metromedia to the City Director of Public Works of plans and <br />specifications therefor. Metromedia agrees that Construction of the Facilities in the Public Ways <br />shall be done in such locations and in such manner so as not to unreasonably interfere with <br />existing water, gas, sewer pipe, traffic signal, street light and other utilities and conduits in the <br />Public Ways. All Construction shall be underground. Metromedia shall comply with all <br />reasonable directions of the City Director of Public Works in comiection with Construction of <br />the Facilities. The City Director of Public Works shall have full access to all portions of the <br />Facilities and may issue stop work orders and corrective orders to prevent unauthorized work; <br />provided, however, that the Director shall first provide Metromedia reasonable notice prior to <br />such access and allow a Metromedia employee or agent to accompany the Director at the time of <br />such access. Unless this Agreement provides otherwise, Metromedia may construct, maintain <br />and/or remove Facilities necessary to provide services to its customers or to interconnect ~tI1 <br />other telecommunications provider facilities without prior consent firom the City, but <br />Metromedia will obtain all necessary permits and authorizations from the City Director of Public <br />Works prior to comnlencing any Construction; Removal; or Maintenance which disturbs or <br />blocks vehicular traffic in the Public Ways. <br /> <br />4. Maintenance and Safety. Requirements, <br /> <br />Metromedia shall: <br /> <br />(a) At all times employ the highest degree of care and shall use commonly <br /> accepted methods and devices for preventing failures and accidents which are <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />