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Agreement. All monies previously programmed for this project shall be surrendered by <br />the City at this time. <br /> <br /> (15) PROGRESS PAYMENTS: The City may request that progress payments <br />be made during the construction of the herein improvements. The City shall submit to <br />the Commission any invoice for progress payments no less than on a monthly basis. <br />The City shall repay any progress payments which involve ineligible costs. <br /> <br /> (16) PERMITS: The City shall secure any necessary approvals or permits from <br />any federal or state agency as required for the completion of the herein improvements. <br />If this improvement is on the right of way of the Commission, the City must secure a <br />permit from the Commission prior to the start of any work on the right of way. The <br />permits which may be required include, but are not limited to, environmental, <br />architectural, historical or cultural requirements of federal or state law or regulation. <br /> <br /> (17) INSPECTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND RECORDS: The City shall <br />assure that representatives of the Commission and FHWA shall have the privilege of <br />inspecting and reviewing the work being done by the City's contractor and subcontractor <br />on the herein project. The City shall also assure that its contractor, and all <br />subcontractors, if any, maintain all books, documents, papers and other evidence <br />pertaining to costs incurred in connection with the Transportation Enhancement <br />Program Agreement, and make such materials available at such contractor's office at all <br />reasonable times at no charge during this Agreement period, and for-three (3) years <br />from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by the Commission, <br />FHWA or any authorized representatives of the Federal Government and the State of <br />Missouri, and copies shall be furnished, upon request, to authorized representatives of <br />the Commission, State, FHWA, or other Federal agencies. <br /> <br /> (18) CREDIT FOR DONATIONS OF FUNDS, MATERIALS, OR SERVICES: A <br />person may offer to donate funds, materials or services in connection with this project. <br />Any donated funds, or the fair market value of any donated materials or services that <br />are accepted and incorporated into this project shall be credited according to 23 U.S.C. <br />§323. <br /> <br /> (19) DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: The Commission will <br />advise the City of any required goals for participation by disadvantaged business <br />enterprises to be included in the City's proposal for the work to be performed. The City <br />shall submit for Commission approval a disadvantaged business enterprise goal or plan. <br />The City shall comply with the plan or goal that is approved by the Commission and all <br />requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part 26, as amended. <br /> <br /> (20) NOTICE TO BIDDERS: The City shall notify the prospective bidders that <br />disadvantaged business enterprises shall be afforded full and affirmative opportunity to <br />submit bids in response to the invitation and will not be discriminated against on <br />grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br /> <br />