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<br />Ordinance for Sections 34-21 and 34-40 Planned Development - Mixed Use District, Page 10 of 25 <br /> <br />f. Common Open Space Requirements. Common open space for "PD-R" <br />developments shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Article 5, <br />"Supplementary Regulations," Section 34-57.4. <br /> <br />g. Perimeter Buffer Requirements. <br /> <br />(1) Where a "PD-R" development proposes residential development along the <br />perimeter of the site, which is higher in density than that of an adjacent <br />residentially zoned property, there shall be a minimum thirty (30) foot wide buffer <br />area. The buffer area shall be kept free of buildings or structures and shall be <br />landscaped or protected by natural features so that all higher-density residential <br />buildings are effectively screened from the abutting lower density residential <br />property. <br /> <br />(2) Where a "PD-R" development abuts a commercial or industrial use or district, <br />there shall be a minimum thirty (30) foot wide buffer area. This buffer area shall <br />be permanent and landscaped and/or otherwise provided with screening (i.e.; sight <br />proof fencing) so as to effectively screen the commercial or industrial use from the <br />"PD- R" development. <br /> <br />4. Planned Development-Commercial or Industrial Commercial (PD-C or PD-I). <br /> <br />a. Site Coverage. Total site coverage by uses permitted in the "PD-C" or "PD-I" <br />districts shall be seventy (70) percent, except as permitted to be exceeded in <br />accordance with paragraph "b" below. <br /> <br />b. Site Coverage Bonus. The plan commission may recommend and the city <br />council may approve an increase in maximum site coverage from seventy (70) <br />percent up to ninety (90) percent. In order to qualify for this bonus, the <br />development plan must demonstrate compliance with four or more ofthe <br />following performance criteria: <br /> <br />(1) Incorporate storm drainage detention/retention facilities as a site amenity; <br /> <br />K:\WPOFFICEIWPDATAIx-34-2/ and 34-40 textamord.wpd <br />