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<br />Ordinance for Sections 34-21 and 34-40 Planned Development - Mixed Use District, Page 23 of25 <br /> <br />,-:;,J-j..,.......'. <br /> <br />; ~'.:<<""~;!,,.j .,~w.....;.,. <br /> <br />34-40.18 Amendments to final development plan. <br /> <br />1. Minor Changes. Minor changes in the location, siting and height of buildings <br />and structures may be authorized by the zoning administrator if required by <br />engineering or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was <br />approved. No change authorized by this section shall cause any of the following: <br /> <br />a. A change in the use or character ofthe development; <br /> <br />b. An increase in building or site coverage; <br /> <br />c. An increase in the intensity of use (e.g., number of dwelling units); <br /> <br />d. An increase in vehicular traffic generation or significant changes in traffic <br />access and circulation; <br /> <br />e. A reduction in approved open space or required buffer areas; or <br /> <br />f A change in the record plat. <br /> <br />2. Plan Amendments. All proposed changes in use, or rearrangement of lots, <br />blocks and building tracts, changes in the provision of common open spaces, and <br />changes which would cause any ofthe situations listed under paragraph 1 above <br />shall be subject to approval by the city council. In such event, the applicant shall <br />file a revised development plan and be subject to the requirements ofthis section <br />as ifit were an entirely new application. (Ord. 6139 S I (Exh. A (part)), 1997) <br /> <br />34-40.19 Failure to initiate construction after final development plan approval. <br />1. Period of Validity. No approval of a final development plan shall be valid for a <br /> <br />K:\WPOFFICE\WPDATAIx-34-21 and 34-40 textamord.wpd <br />