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<br />INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Glickert <br /> <br />DATE: June 23, 2008 <br /> <br />BILL NO. <br /> <br />8995 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 6747 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE UNIVERSITY CITY <br />MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON SPECIFIC <br />STREETS, BY REPEALING SECTION 10.44.040 THEREOF, RELATING TO ONE- <br />HOUR PARKING ZONES, AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW SECTION TO <br />BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 10.44.040 ONE-HOUR PARKING ZONES," THEREBY <br />AMENDING SAID SECTION SO AS TO REMOVE FORSYTH BLVD THE NORTH <br />SIDE THEREOF, FROM THE EAST LINE OF LINDELL BLVD TO A POINT SIXTY (60) <br />FEET EAST THEREOF, CONTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE AND PROVIDING A <br />PENAL TY. <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE City of University City, MISSOURI, AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Section 1. Chapter 10.44 of the University City Municipal Code, relating to parking <br />restrictions on specific streets, is hereby amended by repealing Section 10.44.040 <br />thereof, relating to One-hour parking zones, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section <br />to be known as "Section 10.44.040 One-hour parking zones," thereby amending said <br />section SO AS TO REMOVE FORSYTH BLVD THE NORTH SIDE THEREOF, FROM <br />THE EAST LINE OF LINDELL BLVD TO A POINT SIXTY (60) FEET EAST THEREOF; <br />so that said section, as so amended, shall read as follows: <br /> <br />10.44.040 One-hour parking zones. <br /> <br />A. The following streets or parts of streets are designated as places where the <br />parking of vehicles is restricted to a period of one hour between six a.m. and six- <br />thirty p.m. on any day within the meaning of this title: <br />Delmar Boulevard: South side thereof, from a point seventy-five (75) feet east of the <br />west intersection of Delcrest Drive to a point one hundred ninety-five (195) feet <br />eastwardly. <br />Westgate Avenue: East side thereof, between Olive Boulevard and North Drive. <br /> <br />B. The following streets or parts of streets are designated as places where the <br />parking of vehicles is restricted to a period of one hour between the hours of nine <br />a.m. and nine p.m. on any day within the meaning of this title: <br />Enright Avenue: South side thereof, from Kingsland Avenue to Heman Avenue. <br />Olive Boulevard: South side thereof, between Riegert Avenue and Wilshire Avenue. <br />Riegert Avenue: West side thereof, from Olive Boulevard to Morgan Avenue. <br />Wilshire Avenue: Both sides thereof, from Olive Boulevard to a point one hundred <br />twenty-five (125) feet south of Olive Boulevard. <br /> <br />C. The following streets or parts of streets are designated as places where the <br />parking of vehicles is restricted to a period of one hour between the hours of nine <br />a.m. and six p.m. on any day within the meaning of this title: <br />