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<br />I NTRODUCED BY: <br /> <br />Mr. Price <br /> <br />DATE: 10/27/08 <br /> <br />BILL NO.: 9010 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO.: 6759 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9.08 OF THE UNIVERSITY <br />CITY MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC <br />PEACE AND DECENCY, BY ENACTING THEREIN A NEW SECTION TO <br />BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 9.08.045 PANHANDLING"; CONTAINING A <br />SAVINGS CLAUSE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY <br />CITY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Section 1. Chapter 9.08 of the University City Municipal Code, relating to <br />offenses against public peace and decency, is hereby amended by enacting therein a new <br />section to be known as "Section 9.08.045 Panhandling", which shall read as follows: <br /> <br />A. Definitions. For purposes of this section: <br /> <br />1. "Aggressive Panhandling" means panhandling in the following manner: <br /> <br />a. To approach or speak to a person in such a manner as would <br />cause a reasonable person to believe that the person is being <br />threatened with: <br /> <br />i. Imminent bodily injury; or <br /> <br />ii. The commission of a criminal act upon the person or <br />another person, or upon property in the person's <br />immediate possession; <br /> <br />b. To persist in panhandling after the person solicited has given a <br />negative response; <br /> <br />c. To block, either individually or as a part of a group of persons, <br />the passage of a solicited person; <br /> <br />d. To touch a solicited person without the person's consent; <br /> <br />e. To render any service to a motor vehicle, including but not <br />limited to any cleaning, washing, protecting, guarding, or repairing <br />of said vehicle or any portion thereof, without the prior consent of <br />the owner, operator or occupant of such vehicle, and thereafter <br />asking, begging or soliciting alms or payment for the performance <br />of such service, regardless of whether such vehicle is stopped, <br />