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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />6801 Delmar Boulevard, University City, MO 63130 Phone: 314-862-6767, <br />Fax: (314) 862-0694 <br /> <br />Date: February 3, 2006 <br /> <br />To: Members of the Traffic Commission <br /> <br />From: Mariela Tapia, Secretary of the Traffic Commission. <br /> <br />Re: February 8, 2006 Traffic Commission Meeting <br /> <br />This is to inform you that the next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, <br />February 8, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. in the Jackson Park Elementary School- playroom. <br /> <br />Please call Sandy Weinberg at 505-8563, and advise her if you will not be attending the <br />meeting. <br /> <br />AGENDA FOR THE MEETING <br /> <br />1.Request for “no parking” along the curb between 8218 and 8230 <br /> <br />Swarthmore Ct. <br /> <br />Please find attached a traffic request form dated December 29, 2005 submitted by Robyn <br />Grier. Ms. Grier is the property owner of 8227 Swarthmore Court. She is requesting that <br />a “no parking” area be established along the “s-shaped” curb between 8218 and 8230 <br />Swarthmore Ct. The area requested for “no parking” is shown in the picture attached to <br />the traffic request. <br /> <br />Ms. Grier states that the curb is not designed to be a parking space and because of that, <br />cars parked there block her driveway, making it difficult for her to pull into the driveway. <br />The Engineering Division contacted Vivian Dednam, resident at 8230 Swarthmore Ct and <br />she stated that sometimes because of cars parked on the street, it is difficult to take out <br />the garbage can. There is a new development at Swarthmore Court and more cars will be <br />parked on the street. <br /> <br />University City’s Municipal Code states that parking is prohibited across from a private or <br />public driveway on a street or alley less than twenty-one (21) feet in width. Swarthmore <br />court is 29 feet wide. For curb parking, since a vehicle can be driven directly into and out <br />of an end stall, only the length of the vehicle, about 18 feet, needs to be accommodated. <br />The length of the “s-shaped” curb is 18 feet. The driveways at Swarthmore Court have a <br />width between 10 and 20 feet which is the recommended width for residential driveways. <br />Swarthmore Court is a residential, low volume (no outlet) street where most of the houses <br />have garages (including the newly constructed ones). <br /> <br />The engineering division recommends that the request for “no parking” be denied. <br /> <br />1 <br />V:\WP51\Mariela-Projects\Traffic Commission\agenda\2006\February's meeting\Agenda 2-8-06.doc <br /> <br />