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Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br /> Green Practices Commission <br />6801 Delmar Boulevard, University City, Missouri 63130, Phone: (314) 862-6767, Fax: (314) 863-9146 <br /> <br />Meeting Minutes – University City Green Practices Commission <br />November 12, 2015 Location: Heman Park Community Center <br />Attendees Present: Lois Sechrist, Dianne Benjamin, Tim Michels, Jeff Mishkin, Steve Kraft (Council <br />Liaison), Jenny Wendt (Staff Liaison) <br />Absent Excused: Richard Juang, Scott Eidson <br />Guests: Mayor Shelley Welsch Rich Wilson <br /> Jana Flora (Resident) <br /> 1. Meeting called to Order, Roll Call at 6:00 p.m. <br />2. Opening Round <br />a) Tim learned about a quasi-pyrolysis process which generates hydrogen gas. b) Lois reported that there is a planning/zoning educational hearing on Tuesday, November 17th. <br /> 3. Approval of Minutes a) September meeting minutes were approved with two amendments <br /> 4. Special Presentations <br />a) No special presentations. <br /> 5. New Business a) Municipal Solid Waste to Fuel - Material Lifecycle Management Company (MLMC) – Jenny <br />discussed possibly working with MLMC for recycling plastic film and other non-recyclable materials. Plastic film is to be added as a material at the recycling center. <br /> <br />b) Sebright Products Waste to Energy System - Sebright Products. Inc. has teamed up with Tom Dunne (formerly with Waste Management) proposing creating a plant in St. Louis which takes <br />solid waste and converts it to Diesel fuel. Jenny will request that a Sebright Products <br />representative and Tom Dunne will be requested to speak to the Green Practices Commission at a future meeting. <br /> c) EPA Green Power Community Challenge – The City would purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from Pure Power, or any other REC provider (must be Green-e certified <br />RECs) and install onsite solar power, from Microgrid Solar or any other solar installer. Based on a calculation of total energy used, the City would have a required number to achieve. The <br />Commission overwhelmingly felt that this was not a good program for the City to be involved, <br />Tim suggested rather than paying for RECs, the City could put money into a fund for projects to generate its own renewable energy. <br />d) 25x20 Energy Benchmarking Campaign – This is a challenge to determine how much energy a building consumes, aiming for a 25% reduction in building energy consumption by the year <br />2020. The City would need to collect utility bill cost and usage for a year; better yet from 2011 <br />when we had a greenhouse gas inventory completed. A summer intern would be needed to get this done. This would be congruent with the ICLEI Compact of Mayors. Jenny will propose this <br />to the Public Works and Parks director.