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building height increase of three feet based on that calculation would end up being an increase of <br />much more in reality. He added that, even though the proposal was supported by the University <br />Hills trustees, the proposal would diminish the value of houses to the east in University Heights 3. <br />Mr. Naylor showed an aerial view of the subject property and surrounding area and stated the <br />distance between the proposed garage and the neighbors dwelling would result in much less impact <br />than he had stated. <br />Paul and Anne Gill, owners of the subject property, addressed the Board members and stated their <br />intent was to maintain the same architecture as the existing dwelling and that during the summer <br />and spring it would be difficult to see the proposed garage due to the amount of foliage surrounding <br />the property. <br />Mr. Skrainka requested to withdraw his objections. <br />Board members discussed the height of the proposed garage and if the same roof pitch was <br />maintained, the height was dependent on the depth of the garage. If the layout of the garage was <br />revised to reduce the depth it would not be necessary to build it to 18 feet. Board members <br />discussed the standards for granting variances and whether or not a hardship had been demonstrated <br />rather than the request being a result of actions by the property owners. <br />The variance was approved by a vote of 5 to 0 with the condition that the maximum height allowed <br />for the proposed garage was 15.75 feet. <br />3. Election of Officers <br />Mr. Marentette made a motion for Mr. Solodar to continue serving as Chairperson. The motion was <br />seconded by Ms. Arbogast and carried unanimously. <br />Ms. Holly made a motion for Ms. Arbogast to continue serving as Vice-Chairperson. The motion <br />was seconded by Mr. Marentette and carried unanimously. <br />4. Adjournment <br />The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. <br />tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ћ <br />