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Discuss racial disparity and how a comprehensive plan can address; maps p. 12 <br />demographic <br />Land Use and Development Plan <br />Address previous comments regarding maps <br />Under the neighborhood organization and neighborhood planning areas, <br />describe private subdivisions, indentures, challenges, role and potential conflict <br />with city codes. Include a map of private subdivisions. <br />p. 32 change subsection title to neighborhood and housing vitality <br />partner with banks, institutions, non-profits to maintain vitality <br />p. 34 priority areas should only be north of Olive; describe in legend how the <br />potential at-risk housing was identified (more than 50 years old); identify source <br />data <br />p. 35 Consider the creation of an architectural review board <br /> <br />Olive Subarea Study <br />p. 42 provide HLA with a better photo of Olive Boulevard <br />p. 45 area west of Sutter and north of Olive constitutes a major land use change, <br />better explanation of why – i.e. tie into Parkview Gardens Plan <br />p. 47 The construction of trolley tracks in the Delmar Loop has presented new <br />challenges for bicyclists and the bike paths, for which strategies should be <br />identified <br />p. 52 reduce the number of wayfinding signs at nodes <br />p. 52 is Midland a bike path? If so, indicate. <br />p. 52 delete Olive/North and South as a commercial node redevelopment <br />p. 53 explain that the photo above River des Peres mitigation is strategy <br />p. 55 Delete the map above Modified Neighborhood Circulation, correct larger <br />map on p. 54 <br />p. 56 and other maps where wayfinding signs are proposed, remove placement <br />at corner locations and suggest a general area <br />p. 58 delete item #6 <br />p. 59 item #7 is partially in floodplain <br />p. 64 Local Connectivity and Safety, third bullet point add “explore the removal <br />of…” <br />p. 64 change “Olive Boulevard Road Diet” to “Olive Boulevard Traffic Calming” <br />or some other like phrase and add that a purpose of said strategies is for <br />economic development and redevelopment purposes <br />p . 65 delete <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />