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<br />From:Doug Hammel \[\] <br />Sent:Monday, August 31, 2015 4:03 PM <br />To:Raymond Lai <br />Cc:Dan Gardner; Drew Awsumb; Zachariah Greatens <br />Subject:RE: Vision Statement <br />Hi Ray, <br />Given the time we have and the fact that we are drafting the vision statement within the context of a <br />larger plan, I wouldn’t feel comfortable submitting a formal vision statement for the corridor, as we will <br />continue to shape it as the full details of the plan are complete. Having said that, I can offer the <br />following that explains what our recommendations were based on and what the overarching principles <br />(in other words, the vision) are for the subarea: <br /> <br />Basis for Recommendations <br />The subarea plan recommendations (as is the case with all the Plan’s recommendations) are based upon <br />a balance of the following. It’s important to note that we have had to use our discretion to ensure that <br />recommendations are realistic, locally specific, and reflective of the community’s vision: <br />The extensive traditional and web-based public outreach that was done at the beginning of the <br />process to identify issues and aspirations (it should be noted that all public comments were <br />reviewed, though some are not specifically addressed because they are unattainable (though <br />they may still influence recommendations that aim to achieve a similar end) or contrary to the <br />broader community vision for a specific topic.) <br />Past plans and studies that provide a basis for what the community may be supportive of, <br />recognizing that market realities, political will, and/or community attitudes may have shifted <br />based on what we heard learned the first part of the process <br />Technical information provided to us by the City, community facilities providers, or regional <br />agencies that helps us assess the viability of certain concepts or improvements as they emerge <br />Our on-site analysis and reconnaissance of development characteristics to determine what <br />types of solutions may be possible and how they would be applied on U City’s parcel, block, and <br />neighborhood structures <br />Our analysis of data that helps establish the realistic level of market potential, coupled with <br />regional and local data sources that help refine our assumptions. <br /> <br />Guiding Principles <br />The recommendations of the subarea can be thought of as responding to the following overarching <br />principles, which in a way speak to the core elements of a vision for the corridor: <br />Maximizing the benefit of the interchange through transformative redevelopment at the west <br />end of the corridor to capture regional market potential <br />Building upon the inherent momentum of investment in the international district in order to <br />strengthen current uses and support redevelopment of underperforming sites <br />Establishing opportunities for community- and neighborhood-based goods and service that <br />benefit the residents of nearby residential blocks <br />Using focused land use policies to create more viable commercial development sites that can <br />better manage site design programs and access <br />Taking advantage of Heman Park as an anchor for recreation, character, and investment in <br />housing <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />