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Utilizing the multi-modal transportation network to maximize mobility, character, and <br />efficiency of Olive Boulevard and surrounding neighborhood streets <br /> <br />Innovative Ideas <br />I want to reinforce that it’s very important to manage the conversation about innovative ideas. We can <br />bring an endless set of ideas to the table, but what we’ve provided is based on what we believe to be <br />the realistic opportunities along Olive Boulevard. As I said to the group, it’s easy to draft a plan that <br />wipes the corridor clean and illustrates what ideal new development would look like, but that approach <br />does not respect existing property ownership, investment in sites that are currently functioning, or <br />market realities. (This is especially true in the current climate where eminent domain or proactive <br />government intervention for the purpose of private development is an extremely touchy issue.) Rather, <br />it will lead you to a plan that cannot be implemented. We always strive to bring new ideas to a city, but <br />the reality is corridors are extremely difficult for communities to reposition, and whatever that <br />repositioning entails has to be realistic. <br /> <br />Thanks. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Doug Hammel, AICP <br />Senior Associate <br />Houseal Lavigne Associates <br />134 North LaSalle Street, #1100 | Chicago, IL 60602 <br /> <br />t. (312) 372-1008, 118| e. <br />Website | Pinterest | LinkedIn <br />2 <br /> <br />