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The discussion turned to the status of approved projects. Mr. Edwards indicated that events planned in <br />the LSBD for holidays in December and January are progressing. Mr. Kuhlman asked about sidewalk <br />improvements in the Loop. Ms. Riganti said this year there would be an engineering study, after which <br />the cost estimate would be revised. Mr. Kuhlman asked if the board would receive a report at some point <br />on what of the $172,000 was used for what purpose. Ms. Riganti confirmed this. <br />Ms. Williams asked if there are signs placed on properties or materials noting that EDRST funds were <br />used for that project. Ms. Riganti said no, but indicated the idea could be explored. The Board <br />suggested U City in Bloom projects especially should have such signs. <br />Mr. O’Brien asked if the Olive Boulevard Marketing plan had been initiated. Ms. Riganti said the project <br />was on hold pending arrival of new staff and city manager. <br />Public Comments <br />Kevin Taylor, 7022 Canton Avenue, University City, Missouri 63130. Mr. Taylor suggested that all <br />EDRST projects be placed on a calendar that included the fiscal year and calendar year. He indicated <br />that the intent of the EDRST funds was not to fund City projects such as sidewalks. A welcome sign in <br />the Loop should be installed. A study session with Council on EDRST directions should include public <br />input. He was under the impression council set policy, and asked what the purpose of a joint meeting <br />without the public would be. <br />City Council Liaison <br />Mayor Welsch reported that Gregory Rose has been hired as the new City Manager. The City has settled <br />the lawsuit with former City Manager Lehman Walker. A town hall meeting was held for Prop P, a funding <br />source for which U City is expecting to receive $1.8 million/year for public safety. The next Town Hall <br />Meeting will be in January 2018. The COCA addition is moving forward. <br />Mayor Welsch reported on the MSD storage tank project. Two additional public meetings were held with <br />residents to “re-set” the process. MSD is now presenting 14 options. The tanks may be installed <br />underground, perhaps near the Mandarin House banquet center which would help build up the <br />streetscape. <br />Staff Reports <br />Adam Brown reported on the Make a Difference Day event October 28 at which volunteers worked to <br />repair seniors’ homes and clean alleys and empty lots. <br />Ms. Riganti reported on the ongoing study for the Olive/170 Redevelopment to determine if a proposed <br />project and area qualify for Tax Increment Financing (TIF). If a TIF were to be used, as per state <br />mandates, a TIF Commission would be formed. She also updated the Board about a Request for <br />Proposal for the city-owned parcels at the northwest corner of Olive and Midland boulevards. <br />Mr. Kuhlman asked about the North and South/Olive boulevard brewery project. Mayor Welsch reported <br />that Senn Bierworks pulled out of the project due to financial considerations. <br />Mr. Winer asked about the Aldi’s renovation, and whether the city had assisted with this. Ms. Riganti <br />reported that permit assistance had been provided but no incentives. Mr. O’Brien suggested setting up <br />another fund to make up for loss of Historic Tax Credits, which are being cut. He suggested the EDRST <br />board could develop incentives for Olive Blvd. <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05pm. <br />Respectfully, <br /> <br />