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Session 1896 <br />September 4, 2003 <br /> <br />another $500,000 - $600, 000 dollars. <br /> <br />Mayor Adams advised that University City historically opts for the shortest time <br />period on bonds as possible, to ensure completing big projects more quickly. <br /> <br />Ms. Welsch reiterated the importance of delivering to citizens what has been <br />promised, especially if the City Council must return to them for money at a later <br />date. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner prefers 15-year bonds, but feels that expectations of citizens for <br />outstanding new facilities may make adoption of the 20-year bonds a necessity. <br />Referring to items on the summary under consideration at the meeting, he opted <br />to move item three into item 2, so that numbers quoted on a 20-year bond would <br />cover additional expenditures to meet citizen expectations for the bath house <br />renovation. Also, he asserted that in his opinion most people want the curbing <br />included in the pool design and he wants to see it done. <br /> <br />Mayor Adams wants the pool curbing issue considered after this issue is settled. <br /> <br />Mr. Lieberman asked if the bid was based upon the design received from the <br />City, and said if it is, the bid does not include the curb. He agreed with Mr. <br />Wagner that the Council should not lose track of the curb issue and that it might <br />require additional funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Ollendorff reported that there was other money available to use for some of <br />these improvements, even though every possible source is not listed. For <br />example, each year the City budgets for park improvements. He wants Council to <br />understand there are other available sources of money to make improvements. <br />As for citizen's expectations, what was promised would have cost $1,200,000 <br />dollars? Additions over the past few months: underground lighting, the diving <br />area, and the children's pool, all combine to add another $300,000 dollars worth <br />of expenditures and exceed what was promised last fall. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said the children's pool is not a new promise, and Mr. Ollendorff <br />agreed. <br /> <br />Ms. Welsch asked if the figure of $1.2 million was the cost of the pool promised to <br />citizens, not the cost for the entire program of renovation, and Mayor Adams said <br />that it was. Ms. Welsch asked if the figures presented would fulfill the citizen's <br />wants as expressed through Proposition K. Mr. Ollendorff recommends providing <br />everything, without cutting back on any of the features, and then finding a way to <br />complete the remaining features of the program later. <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />