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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />said he wonders about the advisability of so doing. Mayor Kaufman stated <br />there may be further discussion as there is a motion and a second, and the <br />Council can determine whether it wants to vote on this matter tonight. <br />Councilman Soule pointed out that copies of a proposed ordinance requested <br />by Councilman Tandler to be prepared by Mr. Harold C. Ackert on behalf of <br />the Chamber of Commerce have been received, and Councilman Soule said he has <br />'not had sufficient time to thoroughly review it~ '- <br /> <br /> Councilman Lahrmann stated that it was his~.understanding that Mr. Ackert was <br /> to be given an opportunitY to present the suggested ordinance, and further, <br /> Councilman~Lahrmann said, he has not seen any opinions from the Director of <br /> Law on legal questions that were specifically posed to him. Mr. Boisse~e, <br /> Director of Law, stated that he had not received any requests for an opinion <br /> and d~not know that any had been asked. Mayor Kaufman asked Mr. Boisseau <br /> whether he could express an opinion as to the legality of the bill, and Mr. <br /> Boisseau answered that he has found that similar measures have been upheld in <br /> other places, and so far he would say that the bill is constitutional. Council- <br /> man Lahrmann asked whether the bills in other places that were upheld as con- <br /> stitutional were as broad as Bill No. 5788, and Councilman Lahrmann said he <br /> would like to be sure that the entire bill is legal, and further, that it was <br /> his understanding a few months ago (from Mr. Boisseau) that the bill would not <br /> be constitutional. <br /> <br />Councilman Soule said there were various questions about the constitutionality <br />of the entire bill as well as specific matters in the bill, and in view of Mr. <br />Boisseau's mtatement he wonders whether it would not be judicious to have a <br />written opinion as has been required in the past. <br /> <br />Councilman Stake said he believes the minutes of the Council will reflect that <br />when t~r. John J. Morris was substituting for Mr. Boisseau at a meeting of the <br />Council, Councilman Stake had specifically requested a written opinion at that <br />title. Mr. Boisseau said perhaps he should have looked into it, but he has not <br />actually received a request for any written opinion. <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman said there is a motion and a second which may stand until next <br />week at which time the matter may be disposed of~ and he said he presumes a <br />~itten opinion from the Director of Law will be forthcoming at that time. <br /> <br />Councilman Soule asked whether the Council might hear from Mr. Max Colodesch <br />who is present, whereupon ~dr. Colodesch, at the invitation of Mayor Kauf~an, <br />came forward. Mayor Kaufr~mn asked Mr. Colodesch whether he is correct in his <br />interpretation that the information was intended for him solely, or whether it <br />was intended for members of the Council. <br /> <br />· ri~i-o/r.- (please see other side) <br /> <br />BILL NO. 5790 (AS ;~E}~ED) - RELATING TO LICENSES ~DBUSINESS REGULATIONS <br />City ldanager Henry stated that this bill was originally presented to the Council <br />by a committee of the Council in December. In January public hearings were <br />called and several interested business people appeared at these hearings and <br />made various suggestions. The Council has discussed the matter several times <br />since then and there are a number of changes that have been suggested as a re- <br />sult of the hearings and expressions of the public and of the Council members. <br />The City Manager said he has transmitted to the Council members a list of <br /> <br /> <br />