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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />suggested amendments to Bill No. 5790 as he interpreted them to be the <br />general sense of the Council or the intent of the Council when the matter <br />was last discussed and he said he supposes those should be discussed now <br />before any further action is taken. <br /> <br />Councilman Baris said he would like to make this comment: he has reviewed <br />those amendments and agrees with every one, and as the person who introduced <br />the bill, he will certainly move amendment of Bill No. 5790; however, he said, <br />he thinks the Council should add to paragraph 8 of suggested amendments where <br />it says "Add Savings and Loan Associations to Section 902.2" the words "Auto- <br />matic Selling Machines and Devices." He stated that the Committee discovered <br />Automatic Selling Machines and Devices was omitted from a long list of busin- <br />esses listed in section 902.2 and a further check revealed that the Council <br />has State statutory authority to include those. <br /> <br />Councilman Baris moved the amendments as suggested with the addition of <br />"Automatic Selling Machines and Devices" to be added to Section 902.2. <br />1,1otion seconded by Councilman Stake. <br /> <br />Gouncilman Tandler asked whether this motion is on the entire amendments and <br />the liayor answered affirmatively. Councilman Tandler said he would like to <br />commant just a little bit further on one of the items included in Section <br />902.2. He said the Council has before it a list of occupations and businesse~ <br />and one or two professions which seem to have been taken out from a group of <br />professions which are very similar in character. He said he notes that <br />architects are included in this list of miscellaneous businesses, trades and <br />occupations, whereas engineers, and technical consultants are not included. <br />He said he cannot see the consistency of including architects and not engin- <br />eers of all types (although he is aware that architects are included in the <br />State law) and it is his understanding that engineers are not included in the <br />State law. He stated he would have no objection to proceeding with the vote <br />on the amendments, on which there is a motion and a second, but he would like <br />to also include the deletion of the word "architects" either in this motion, <br />or if the Council desires, he would move this point following a vote on the <br />motion before the Council. <br /> <br />Councilman Lahrmann said that in connection with Section 902.1, eighth para- <br />graph, there has been discussion, and he was pleading that some consideration <br />be made to the license fee for merchandise vending machines. He said it will <br />be noted that in Section 902.1 Automatic Coin Operated Amusement Machines there <br />is a fee of $10.00. He said that on that type of equipment no merchandise is <br />dispensed - the entire receipts from the machine are gross profits. He said <br />this is putting merchandise vending machines in the same category for a basic <br />license and expressed the view that it is discriminating between two types of <br />businesses. Councilman Lahrmann asked that the Council reconsider Section <br />902.1, eighth paragraph, so that merchandise vending machines charging up to <br />5¢, or from 2¢ to 5¢, be assessed $1.00, and that machines vending above 5¢ <br />and up to but not including 25¢, $2.50, and that 25¢ and over have a fee of <br />$5.00. He said he thinks basically the City's merchants' license is intended <br />to collect $1.00 per $1000 of sales - gross sales - and in his opinion it is <br />inconceivable that a coin operated merc~~machine dispensing merchandise <br />at either 5¢, 10¢ or 25¢ will dispense ~J~Yorth of merchandise a year - ~he <br />equivalent of $1.00 - and by putting a fee of $10.00 the Council is almost say- <br />ing to the business operating such equipment "you are not desired in University <br />City." <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman inquired of the City Manager as to the amount of total revenue <br /> <br /> <br />