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Session 589, Minutes <br />February 1, 1960 <br /> <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />from vending machines, whereupon City Manager Henry said "possibly around <br />$300.00 at present.'~ The I-.iayor then asked what the total revenue is on <br />merchants' licenses and the City Manager answered "a little over $50,000.:~ <br /> <br />Councilman Tandler said he would like to direct a question to both Councilman <br />Stake and Councilman Baris: in conjunction with licenses on vending machines, <br />isn't the operator of such vending machines credited with the full amount of <br />the licens~ toward hi~ ~ro~s recqip~ ~ax? ~ouR~ilm~m Stake replied that only <br /> ~ 1~ ce o~ e ~n e '~. . <br />tt.ose machlne~a~ wou~S~ ~x~ ~n'~,~t~ity and the merchants having <br />those machines would be credited° <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman stated there is a motion and second before the Council, and he <br />asked whether the Committee wishes to change any of its recommendations. <br /> <br />At this juncture, Councilman Lahrmann moved that Section 902.1, eighth para- <br />graph be amended to read, :'Merchandise vending machines for which there is <br />more than a penny charge for operation~ namely from 1¢ up to and including <br />4¢, $1.00; 5¢ up to but not including 25¢, $2.50; and over 25¢ units of sales, <br />$5.00." <br /> <br />Mayor Kaufman said he thinks the Council has Councilman Lahrmann's view in <br />mind. The Mayor stated there is a motion and second on the floor and after <br />a vote is taken, the motion as made by Councilman Lahrmann may be resubmitted <br />for any change. <br /> <br />Councilman Soule stated that a matter he would like to discuss relates to the <br />motion and second, concerning amendments that were proposed, and therefore he <br />would like to discuss this before a vote is taken on the motion and second. <br />Mayor Kaufman asked whether the individuals ~zo submitted the motion and second <br />would withdraw their motion and second temporarily~ Councilman Soule said it <br />would not make any difference as far as his question as it relates to this <br />very amendment. He said he noted at the last meeting that the various articles <br />of Bill No. 5790 were inconsistent in the penalty clause - some calling for <br />each offense and some calling for each day, and he said he wondered why the <br />Committee chosa the penalty for each day rather than for each offense. The <br />City Manager stated that he was asked to review this question with Mr. Boisseau, <br />(Director of Law) and Mr. Boisseau had checked the various penalties, and City <br />Manager Henry said he also checked them, and noticed there was a kind of pat- <br />tern for each day in the cage'of certain things and each offense in the case <br />of a few selected ~hingS like the dance halls, dry cleaning establishments, <br />peddlers, hawkers, private detectives and detective agencies and these seem to <br />take care of each offense -- all the rest for each day, and each day is a <br />separate offense. He said that Mr. Boisseau then reviewed this and came up <br />with this amendment as the most appropriate. <br /> <br />Mr. Boisseau, upon inquiry by Councilman Soule, stated if it is just one off- <br />ense, of course, it would apply to that one offense, but if it is a continuing <br />offense then it would be applied to each day that the offense was continued. <br />Councilman Soule asked whether in the instance of non-payment of taxes that <br />would be a continuing offense or whether that would be one offense. Mr. <br />Boisseau said he thinks that would be one offense, but, of course, there are <br />other provisions in the ordinance that would place a penalty on them for late <br />payment. <br /> <br />Councilman Stake said he would have no objection to deleting the words "and <br />every day" and also '~shall continue" in that last sentence so that it will <br /> <br /> <br />