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Session 1105, ilinutes <br />June 16, 1975 <br /> <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />believes this should be done. In response to an inquiry by Councilman <br />Lieberman, the City ~nager said he thinks that the application can be sub- <br />mitted in-house, but the planning should be done by an outside firm. <br /> <br />Discussion followed as to selection of a planning firm. i!r. Kohlenberger <br />also explained what is necessary to be included in the proposal, as well <br />as the timing for a preliminary plan. City l~nager Henry pointed out that <br />it appears to him sometime between now and the next meeting there has to <br />be some decision on a park planner. <br /> <br />~iayor Iiaufman pointed out that the Council can move on approval of the con- <br />cept with the recognition that members of the Council apparently will have <br />input on the nature of the park (active or passive) type of facilities gen- <br />erally. <br /> <br />Councilman Weissenburger moved the allocation of $2500 to hire a planner with <br />the proviso that by the next meeting of the Council~ }Ir. Kohlenberger will <br />come back with the name of a recommended planner, together with an outline <br />of the experience these people have had in the past, in this field. <br /> <br />I-fotion was seconded by Councilman I~rner, and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />C~5'~31IITY NEWS: <br />t~yor Kaufman called attention to a memo from the administrative forces con- <br />cerning bids for the printing of the C~.~ilITY ~S. ~Ir. Charles I~ells, <br />Publicity Director, had recommended that the City use newsprint and return <br />to printing five issues. City l~nager Henry reviewed the bids, pointing out <br />that Thau & Company is the low bidder on the following basis: <br /> <br />19,000 copies <br />500 additional <br /> <br /> WHITE STOCK ~EWSPRI!.~ <br />4 copies 3 copies 4 copies 3 copies <br />$456.00 $456.00 $315.00 $315.00 <br />10.00 10.00 6,00 6.00 <br /> <br />~le City ~nager said there is a question whether to go to Newsprint or <br />continue with I,~ite Stock and %~ether to have 4 or 5 editions. I~. Ellman, <br />Director of Finance, answered questions posed by members of the Council and <br />there was further discussion. The postage amounts of $1,000 for each issue. <br />l.~yor Kaufman suggested that the i]ewsprint paper can be tried, and if it <br />isn't satisfactory, a change can he made at some point. <br /> <br />Councilman Weissenburger moved that the contract be awarded to Thau & Co. <br />for $1605 for five issues on Newsprint. ~iotion was seconded by Councilman <br />Glickert and unanimously carried. <br /> <br />CONSIDERATION OF P~QUEST BY ST. LOUIS s~HOi~Y TO SOLICIT I1~ ~IVERSITY CITY: <br />I~yor Kaufman asked as to the Council's pleasure with regard to the request <br />recently made by the St. Louis Symphony for permission to solicit sub- <br />scriptions in University City. City I-~nager Henry suggested that if it is <br />the Council's consensus, a letter can be transmitted to this organization <br />asking them to advise the City in advance as to ~o will be doing the so- <br />liciting and have them properly identified and ask them to check into the <br />Police Department before they proceed. <br /> <br />llayor tCaufman asked whether the names of all participants would be in the <br />hands of the City before they start soliciting, and City l~anager itenry said <br /> <br /> <br />