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<br />Session 1543, Minutes <br />May 15, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />divided amoI1CJ several Public Works employees. Also, the commercial environ- <br />mental inspections fonnerly done by this deparbnent will now be done by a <br />PlanniI1CJ Deparbnent inspector, and this deparbnent will do more residential <br />inspections. In response to Mrs. Schuman, Mr. Ollendorff said he would find <br />out why there were fewer environmental inspections this year and proj acted <br />for next year. AnsweriI1CJ Mr. Price, Mr. Ollendorff said it costs the City <br />about $30,000 a year to mow yards that have been cited for high weeds, with <br />only half that amount collected; however, unpaid bills become liens against <br />the property. He said the city was looking for a reliable subcontractor to <br />do that work, which will save money in the loI1CJ nul. He said 714.0 overtime <br />Pay will be cut substantially. '!here is one new employee in 713.0 Temporary <br />and Part-time En'ployees Pay, a part-time intem who will work on recycliI1CJ <br />programs for several months on a trial basis. Responding to Mr. Wagner, Mr. <br />Ollendorff said 722.06 TraveliI1CJ Expense included the same m.nllber of trips as <br />last year, but they are further away, which accounts for the increase. He <br />said 723.01 AdvertisiI1CJ will be lower because better response is obtained by <br />mailiI1CJ bid invitations to minority contractors instead of advertisiI1CJ. He <br />pointed out there was no allocation for Capital OUtlay, addiI1CJ that an old <br />traffic counter will be repaired instead of buyiI1CJ a new one. <br /> <br />2620 Street Maintenance (paqe C-52). Mr. Ollendorff said the City will tem- <br />porarily return to doiI1CJ a smaller amount of sealcoatiI1CJ (50,000 lineal feet) <br />which also means a small reduction in applicable materials; however, this <br />amount is still above that done five or six years ago. He called attention <br />to a large reduction in 721.10 Miscellaneous outside Personal Services, which <br />are temporary workers doiI1CJ sealcoatiI1CJ and other work. In response to Mr. <br />Price, Mr. Ollendorff said sealcoatiI1CJ cannot be contracted out because few <br />contractors do this. He said 725.10 Miscellaneous Public utility services is <br />for repairiI1CJ sewers for homeowners who will not do it themselves, with the <br />cost attached to the property as a lien. He said the reduction in 726.02 <br />street and Sidewalk Repairs is all the city can afford next year, but if add- <br />tional money becomes available, more projects will be urrlertaken because the <br />need is great. He circulated a list of the projects to be done with the al- <br />located funds. He said the additional $7000 in 727.04 Rent of Machinery and <br />Mechanical Equipment is to rent a heavy roller this smmner for the sealcoat- <br />iI1CJ program, however, if a good used one becomes available, the City will try <br />to buy it. Urx:ler Capital OUtlay, the City would like, but cannot afford, a <br />leaf corrpost turner at $48,000; however, the possibility exists for PUrchase <br />next year from landfill tax money. FindiI1CJ ways of exparx:liI1CJ the compostiI1CJ <br />site was discussed, and also the possibility of an agreement with st. John to <br />use part of Endicott Park as a cooperative corrpostiI1CJ site. He noted that <br />Capital OUtlay did include a leaf loader for $33,000, a vastly ilrproved and <br />more efficient one than that in use now. <br /> <br />2640 Planning and Development (paqe C-56). The City Manager said a full-time <br />inspector position (now vacant) will be chaI1CJed to part-time, with that per- <br />son doiI1CJ commercial and environmental inspections. overtime Pay (714.0) has <br />been cut because the staff will do fewer eveniI1CJ inspections. Mr. Wagner <br />asked that a staff reduction list be given to Council at the May 22 budget <br />meetiI1CJ. Resporx:liI1CJ to Mr. Price, Ms. Glassman said City workers have not <br />removed any graffiti except on City property. Urx:ler 721.02 Consultant Ser- <br />vices, Mr. Ollendorff said the amount was for corrputer program updates; the <br />