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<br />SESSION 1566 <br /> <br />MINUrES OF 'IRE UNIVERSI'IY CITY CXXJNCIL <br /> <br />April 6, 1992 <br /> <br />At a regular meetin;J of the City Council of University City held in the As- <br />sembly Roam of City Hall on Momay, April 6, 1992, eouncilmember Joseph L. <br />Adams, Jr. presided am called the meetin;J to order at 7:30 p.m. In addition <br />to Mr. Adams, the following nernbers of the Council were present: <br /> <br />Mr. Byron R. Price <br />Mrs. Mal:y V. Schuman <br />Mr.PaulE.~ <br />Mrs. Betty L. 'Ihc::lIpSOn <br /> <br />Absent: Mayor Janet Majerus, eouncil.rnentler Robert G. Wagner, am City Clerk <br />Dolores A. Miller, all of wham were excused. <br /> <br />Also present were City Manager Frank Ollendorff am Actin;J City Clerk Beverly <br />S. Myers. <br /> <br />DESIGNATION OF MAYOR PRO '!'EM <br /> <br />Mr. Schoorner noved that Mr. Adams be designated Mayor Pro Tern for this meet- <br />in;J. Mrs. Schuman secx>nded the motion, which carried unanimously. <br /> <br />MINOTES <br /> <br />'!he minutes of March 16, 1992, are not ready for approval. <br /> <br />OA'IHS OF OFFICE <br /> <br />Mr. Grady Flaggs, newly appointed to the Park Ccmnission, am Mr. Johnathan <br />Ruder am Ms. Robin Wald, elected to the University City Special Business <br />District CoImnission, were given the oath of office by the Actin;J city Clerk. <br /> <br />Mayor Pro Tern Adams thanked the new members for agreein;J to serve the City in <br />this valuable way. <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER I S REroRI'S <br /> <br />OONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENI:MENTS - 6985 OLIVE EnJI..EVARD <br /> <br />'!he city Manager said he agreed in general with Plan CoImnission reconunenda- <br />tions that cookin;J on site be allowed at the u-city Bar-be-que, 6985 Olive, <br />am that the hours of operation be exterded to midnight sumay through 'Ihurs- <br />day, am to 2: 00 a.m. Friday am saturday. He said eouncil may wish to adopt <br />these amerrlments on a trial basis. All other corrlitions as listed in the <br />Jrme 17, 1991 minutes would remain in place. He suggested an additional con- <br />dition prohibitin;J outdoor sales unless the corrlitional use pennit is amended. <br /> <br />'Ihe proprietor, Mr. Roderick Bell, 6985 Olive, came forward. He agreed to <br />all conditions except the hours of operation, notin;J that the application re- <br />