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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1319, Minutes Page 4 <br /> November 22, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br /> Mr. Levy also felt it was unreasonable to limit occupancy to architectural and ad- <br /> vertising firms. He asked Mr. Obrock what type of offices he visualized in that <br /> space. Mr. Obrock said he had an inquiry from someone interested in establishing a <br /> voice recording studio, and that several -mall architectural firms had asked about <br /> space. He pointed out that tenants had not been openly solicited because his firm <br /> wished to be certain the project was feasible and would be approved. He said he <br /> realized there had to be some restrictions, but if they were too strict, his firm <br /> ,might not be able to get the financing it needed. <br /> Mr. Levy said that although he understood Mr. Ollendcrff's concern about certain <br /> uses being incompatible, he thought the additional condition would be impossible to <br /> deal with. He thought the Council might be able to define some of the types of <br /> uses which should not be allowed in that building. The Mayor concurred that the <br /> four conditions recommended by the Plan Commission were broad enough to address any <br /> problem which might arise. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe agreed with Mr, Levy and Mrs. Thompson on this matter, but said the <br /> key issue was that of trying to protect property values in the adjacent residential <br /> area. She said the neighborhood's chief concerns were parking and the appearance <br /> of the building. She pointed out that a valid concern with the Plan Commission's <br /> recommendations was that the building owner might, in the future, rent to someone <br /> who needed additional parking, When the prospective tenant applied for an occupan- <br /> cy permit at City Hall, the issuer of the permit would have to judge whether or not <br /> it should be issued. Although she was confident of a competent staff, she pointed <br /> out that a great deal of care must be exercised in deciding if the proposed use was <br /> compatible. Mrs. Metcalfe said she would feel more comfortable if there were a <br /> short delay and some kind of requirement for notification of the neighborhood asso- <br /> ciation before an occupancy permit was issued. She asked if it would be too late <br /> to do anything about excessive traffic once the occupancy permit was issued. <br /> Mr. Ollendorff said the permit could be voided if it was issued illegally. He <br /> pointed out that the Council must decide what it wishes to do, and then leave it to <br /> the staff to administer. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe was still concerned about the problems that might be encountered in <br /> removal of a tenant who was generating much more traffic than expected. Mr. Lieber- <br /> man said he felt those were administrative decisions, and it was the Council's job <br /> to approve or disapprove the conditional use. He thought the conditions recommend- <br /> ed by the Plan Commission covered all aspects with which the Council was concerned. <br /> He was not in favor of the condition added by the City Manager. <br /> Dr. Gerold Borodach, 6947 Washington Avenue, asked to address the Council. He said <br /> most residents of the neighborhood felt the proposal to be very desirable. However, <br /> his primary concern was a distrust of the City's ability to enforce the restrictions <br /> placed on the project. He said he felt very strongly about this, based on an un- <br /> pleasant experience he had relating to traffic near his home, where the large vol- <br /> ume of cars parked on the streets near his home because of an event at CASA caused <br /> a very difficult situation for him. <br /> Mr. Schoomer asked about the usable square footage in the building, and how large an <br /> area was to be leased. Mr. Obrock said there was about 10,000 square feet of usable <br /> space, and his group would be using the mezzanine and entire upper room. The rest <br />