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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1316, Minutes Page 3 <br /> October 11, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br /> Mr. A. Ross, owner of the All in One Food Shop, was asked to come forward. Respond- <br /> ing to Mrs. Metcalfe, Mr. Ross said the store hours were from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. <br /> He said the taverns in the area did not sell beer in six-packs, even though they were <br /> allowed to do so, and none objected to his having a package beer license. In response <br /> to Mayor Mooney, Mr. Ross said his store has been in operation for about 75 days, and <br /> that he had a three-year lease. He said many of his patrons were very anxious that <br /> he have a beer license, and he could not understand how so many signatures had been <br /> acquired on the petitions. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe said she felt that selling packaged beer along with food was usually <br /> a fairly routine thing to do for a market; however, most of those markets close at <br /> an earlier hour than the All in One, and she could understand the neighborhood con- <br /> cern. She asked if this district was zoned LC (Limited Commercial), and Mr. Ollen- <br /> dorff said it was GC (General Commercial) with some industrial zoning. He noted that <br /> he had recommended approval because the application met all City requirements, and <br /> also because he thought it was the Council's policy to approve when the license was <br /> in a highly commercialized area, and to disapprove if it was in the middle of a resi- <br /> dential area, which this is not. <br /> Mr. Lieberman's motion died for lack of a second. <br /> Mrs. Thompson moved approval of the application. There was no second. <br /> <br /> Mr. Adams said it was a very difficult decision, and that he was uncomfortable with <br /> the fact that ice cold beer would be sold until a late hour, making it easier to <br /> buy and then drink nearby. He said he would be more amenable to approving the ap- <br /> plication if the store were not open so late. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe said it would normally make sense to approve a package beer license <br /> in a commercial area; however, Mr. Lieberman and the neighborhood had two legiti- <br /> mate points--very little other than beer would likely be sold after 9:00 p.m. and <br /> that sale of iced beer would tend to encourage intrusion of the neighborhood by <br /> those drinking the cold beer they had just bought. <br /> There was brief discussion on what constituted a package, and it was brought out <br /> that the legal definition was three or more cans/bottles. <br /> <br /> Since Council could not reach a consensus and also since one councilmember was ab- <br /> sent, Mr. Lieberman moved that the matter be postponed until October 25. <br /> Mr. Schoomer said his concern was that the applicant had not been in business long <br /> enough to have established enough of a record to enable Council to make an informed <br /> decision. He pointed out that obtaining a liquor license was a privilege and not <br /> a right. He seconded Mr. Lieberman's motion, adding that if a motion to defeat was <br /> introduced he would second that with the understanding that the applicant was free <br /> to apply again in six months. <br /> All voted Aye on Mr. Lieberman's motion. <br /> <br /> CONDITIONAL USE - 8130 DELMAR <br /> <br /> The City Manager said an application from Cities Service (CITCO) for a conditional <br /> use permit to operate a self-service gas station and convenience store at 8130 Delmar <br />