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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1316, Minutes Page 2 <br /> October 11, 1982 <br /> <br /> CITIZEN COMMENTS <br /> <br /> Mr. Nathan Tepper, 6254 North Drive, asked to address the Council on a matter which <br /> was not on the agenda. Mr. Tepper said he had been at City Hall in September to <br /> speak with Mr. McRoberts, the health officer, about a problem, and that City Attor- <br /> ney Kay had called the police. Mr. Tepper asked for a written apology from Mr. Kay. <br /> Mr. Ollendorff said the action that transpired was taken at his direction, and that <br /> there would not be an apology. He asked Mr. Tepper to come to his office to discuss <br /> this matter, and Mr. Tepper agreed to meet with Mr. Ollendorff at 10:00 a.m. on Oc- <br /> tober 12. <br /> CITY MANAGER'S AGENDA <br /> PUBLIC HEARING - PACKAGE BEER LICENSE <br /> <br /> The City Manager said an application was received from the All in One Food Shop to <br /> sell beer by the package at 6511 Olive Street Road. All City requirements have been <br /> met, and it was recommended that Council approve the application. This agenda item <br /> was discussed at the last Council meeting, where action was postponed pending noti- <br /> fication of the neighborhood that this matter would be on the agenda. The applicant <br /> had also been notified and was present. <br /> Mr. Charles Ochs, 1099 Colby, asked to address the Council. He said there were al- <br /> ready two facilities with liquor licenses very close to the store which submitted <br /> the application. In addition, the Thomas Market, one block away, has a package li- <br /> cense, and there was also a tavern at Etzel and Sutter just across the city limits <br /> in Wellston. Petitions opposing the granting of a beer license had been circulated <br /> and signed by 45 people. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe asked if the petition signers were opposed to liquor in general or if <br /> they understood that the license was to sell only beer. Mr. Ochs said the majority <br /> of those who signed were against a liquor license of any type, although there were <br /> several who were not as strongly opposed to a package beer license. <br /> Mrs. Thompson asked if the petition signers were opposed because of the close prox- <br /> imity of the other establishments which sold liquor or if they were simply opposed <br /> to liquor. Mr. Ochs said he and the signers were opposed to any more licenses being <br /> granted in that area than those already there. Mrs. Thompson pointed out that the <br /> others sold mainly hard liquor, but Mr. Ochs responded that they also sold beer, or <br /> at least had the option of doing so, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Mr. Ochs read a <br /> letter from Mrs. Elsie Glickert, who was also unalterably opposed to granting this <br /> license. <br /> Mr. Lieberman said he felt there was a big difference between a liquor store opera- <br /> tion which was allowed to sell six-packs of beer, and a neighborhood ice cream and <br /> food store being allowed to sell beer. In the past, he said the Council's policy <br /> _ had been to determine that the neighborhood was aware that a license had been ap- <br /> plied for. In some cases, the neighborhood had no objections; however, in others <br /> there were very strong objections, and a license was denied. He felt this precedent <br /> should be continued, and noted that this neighborhood was already well-served by <br /> those selling beer. He moved denial. <br />