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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1315, Minutes Page 3 <br /> September 20, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br /> tax freezing for the rehabilitation project at 900 Eastgate Avenue. He said the <br /> owner would sign an agreement not to use other federal subsidies for this project. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe moved approval. Mr. Adams seconded the motion, which carried unani- <br /> mously. <br /> <br /> BEER AND WINE LICENSE - KOH-I-NOOR RESTAURANT <br /> <br /> The City Manager said the Koh-I-Noor Restaurant, 6271 Delmar, had requested approv- <br /> al of a license to sell beer and wine by the drink, for consumption on the premises. <br /> All City requirements have been met and the request was in conformance with Council <br /> policies. <br /> Mr. Lieberman asked the location of the nearest similar license, whether or not ad- <br /> jacent property owners had been notified, and where those property owners lived. <br /> Mr. Ollendorff said all property owners within the area prescribed by the code (200 <br /> feet) were notified. Several calls were received, none of which objected to the <br /> proposed license. <br /> Mr. Schoomer said he was not aware of any opposition, and that the applicant was <br /> well-respected in this neighborhood. Mr. Lieberman`s concern was the reputation <br /> which the Council has tried to establish with reference to providing the privilege <br /> of allowing liquor by the drink. He noted that the Council has been very conserva- <br /> tive in the past in allowing licenses for liquor by the drink, ascertaining that <br /> nearby property owners and the neighborhood were all in concurrence that a particu- <br /> lar establishment may have a liquor license. <br /> Mayor Mooney asked whether there was another establishment in the immediate area <br /> which had the same type of license, and if there were restrictions in terms of close- <br /> ness. The City Attorney thought there were no restrictions for this type of license <br /> and said he would check the statutes. There was further discussion, and it was sug- <br /> gested that the matter be deferred. <br /> Mr. Adams said there was no reason to defer, and he moved approval. Mr. Schoomer <br /> seconded the motion. <br /> <br /> Mr. Levy suggested that the motion be amended to include that it was subject to the <br /> absence of any violation on the point Mr. Lieberman raised. Mr. Lieberman said that <br /> kind of motion was not allowed. More discussion ensued, and it was decided to defer <br /> action until the City Attorney got the required information from the state statutes. <br /> LIQUOR LICENSE - ALL IN ONE FOOD SHOP <br /> <br /> The City Manager recommended approval of an application to sell beer by the package <br /> at the All In One Food Shop, 6511 Olive Street Road. The application met all City <br /> ordinances and has been approved by all appropriate departments of the City. The <br /> Council has approved similar applications in this commercial zone in the past, thus <br /> it appeared to be in keeping with past Council policies, Mr. Ollendorff said. There <br /> will be no consumption on the premises. <br /> Mr. Lieberman said many residents of the area where the food shop is located consid- <br /> ered this establishment to be a residential-type food shop, similar to others which <br />