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University City Library board meeting minutes, l / 14/2009 <br />Actions <br />a. A motion was made, seconded, and approved by the entire board attending, stating the <br />library board's understanding of the adverse impact of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulation that goes into effect on February 10, 2009 which <br />mandates testing for the levels of lead in children's books both new and in the existing <br />collection. There are no certified labs to perform the testing, such testing would require <br />testing almost 50,000 items in the children's collection alone, the cost of testing is <br />unknown and likely too expensive to perform and the regulation would require keeping children from having access to untested items after February 10, 2009. <br />The board believes that this legislation and regulation will cause irreparable harm. <br />The library entrances would have to be monitored to deny entrance by all children less <br />than 12 years old after February 9, 2009. As this is infeasible and contrary to our purpose, the library would have to close entirely. <br />The board believes the unintended consequences of the CPSC's actions must not force <br />the closure of the University City Public Library. Consequently, the board agreed to join <br />as a plaintiff, a suit for injunction being drafted by the American Library Association <br />against the CPSC implementing the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008. The board's actions will be communicated to the Missouri State Librarian, Margaret <br />Conroy. <br />President's report <br />None. <br />Committee reports <br />None. <br />Old business <br />None. <br />New business <br />The members had a general discussion on budget issues (possible lower income for instance) for <br />the next year and about planning a special event to commemorate the library's anniversaries this <br />year (70th of its founding and 40th in this building). <br />Adjournment <br />The meeting adjourned at 6:28p.m., 1/14/2009. <br />Larry Nolan -Board Secretary <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />