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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 2 <br />April 15, 1986 <br /> <br />neighborhood plans were <br />neighborhood plans were <br />the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Residential Neighborhood <br />neighborhood plans. <br /> <br />included in <br />not refined <br />He further <br />section of <br /> <br />the Comprehensive Planj the various <br />in terms that compared to the scope of <br />stated that one of the strategies in the <br />the Plan was development of various <br /> <br />Chairman Hamilton stated that in the Preface of the Plan (p. 1), the authors <br />stated that the Plan was "concerned with increasing population growth." The <br />Chairman asked if this was a proper objective. Ms. Hillal stated that the <br />reasoning behind the statement was developed in the Population Section of <br />the Plan. Chairman Hamilton stated, however, that there was no discussion <br />of increasing housing stock to accomodate an increased population. <br />Councilmember Schoomer stated that at one time University City had hoped to <br />maintain a population in excess of 50,000 for the purpose of qualifying for <br />various federal programs. City Council and Staff now realize that this goal <br />is not realistic and is now not necessary to quality for certain federal <br />funding. <br /> <br />Chairman Hamilton noted that he had made various corrections in the section <br />on a Brief History in Planning in University City and would convey his <br />comments to Planning Staff. He also noted that the section lacKed a <br />conclusion. <br /> <br />Mr. Goldman stated that the section on Commercial Areas, Preservation and <br />Maintenance Of, would require a topic paragraph to tie the three subsections <br />together. Chairman Hamilton inquired about the future of the Neighborhood <br />Commercial Districts. (p. 12). He asked if the present businesses closed, <br />would there be potential for long-run vacancies? He stated that this was an <br />important issue and would need to be specifically addressed. He asked which <br />option for marKeting the properties would be preferred: as strictly <br />commercial property or for conversion to office space or residential uses. <br /> <br />Mr. Goldman stated that the City would prefer to convert these spaces into <br />offices or residences. Mr. Ollendorff stated that conversion to office <br />space or residential space would be preferable because the City had not had <br />much luck in keeping the Neighborhood Commercial District buildings up to <br />code. Mayor-elect Majerus wondered if one option for the Neighborhood <br />Commercial Districts might be razing the buildings and infilling the area <br />with residential uses. Mr. Rice aSKed if the City would suffer any loss of <br />tax revenue. Mr. Goldman stated that the City would not lose much revenuej <br />the sales tax the City would receive would be consolidated in the tax pool <br />and the owners of the businesses often lease from the property owner. Mr. <br />Rice aSKed if the City decided to zone these properties more restrictively, <br />would the zoning decision be challenged or could the City buy the property <br />and then rezone it for a better use? Mayor-elect Majerus commented that the <br />Recommendations for these areas should be broader in scope in order to allow <br />for a variety of uses for the land. <br />